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  1. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Live cam shot from the Western Wall in Jerusalem, this is what palis are rioting and firing missiles at Israeli civilians for, Jews singing and dancing with the flag of Israel at the Western Wall in Jerusalem,...

    and by the way, palis expect Israel to give up this area containing the Western Wall as part of there demands....one of the reasons paqlistinian rejected every peace offer for nationhood in the past...they demand what they can never have

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    1. View previous comments...
    2. deleted user 555 768
      Who are you or, who were you?
      deleted user 555 768, Jun 16, 2021
      Distant Lover likes this.
    3. ImDown6969
      Just an old DeadHead with a Masters Degree in Political Science from University of Chicago.
      ImDown6969, Jun 16, 2021
    4. FuntimeFla
      Can't side with you on this one Shy! If you bulldoze my house to build yours, I would shoot rockets at you too ! If you denied me building materials, I would have another reason to shoot rockets at you !
      Basically Israel, commits every known human atrocity (aside from gas showers and ovens ) that the Nazi's did to them , against the people who lived there first !
      FuntimeFla, Jun 16, 2021
    5. deleted user 555 768
      Ya, I read your bullshit already, argued it already not arguing with everyone who need to spout off
      deleted user 555 768, Jun 16, 2021
      Distant Lover likes this.
    6. ImDown6969
      Cuz you got NOTHING but bovine fecal matter. Calling the Israeli government policy and actions toward the Palestinians antisemitism is despicable. Shame on you and your ignorance or purposeful disingenuous slander!
      ImDown6969, Jun 16, 2021
      submissively speaking likes this.
  2. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    The book Israel's Sacred Terrorism actually has a very complex and interesting history. First there was Moshe Sharett who was one of Israel's first Prime Ministers who wrote day to day diaries about what was actually happening in Israel shortly after its creation. Later the diaries were published by Moshe Sharett's son in Israel in the Hebrew language. Even that was opposed the Israeli government but they were published anyway.

    But Palestinian scholars are also fluent in Hebrew and soon discovered Moshe Sharett had meticulously documented how Israel intended to use terrorism, assassination, murder, and mass slaughter of civilians to drive the Palestinians out of the newly created state to steal their land. And it also documented how as early as the early 1950's the Israeli government was plotting ways to provoke war with their Arab neighbors in order to seize land, expand their borders, and take over all water resources.

    Of course Israel, the Sharret family and many in the US did not want the truth to come out and so they used multiple threats and means to try and prevent the publication of the diaries in the US. But the authors, especially Livia Rokach, would not be deterred and eventfully used the "fair use" doctrine that would legally permit at least publishing a fraction of Sharrett's diaries and the book was published. Which is an incredible service to the entire world because even a fraction of Sharrett's diaries exposes the true Israel.

    Here's the story behind it.

    https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-iWpQLGz5TzZJDxxw/Israel's Sacred Terrorism_djvu.txt
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. FuntimeFla
      Finally something I can agree with you about!
      FuntimeFla, Jun 16, 2021
      ImDown6969 likes this.
  3. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Stumbler is taking a personal diary from the 1950's and claiming its the basis for Israeli actions 70 years later....

    stumbler is deliberately, intentionally and continuing spreading antisemitic lies and falsehoods about the nation of Israel and the Jewish people...in an attempt to mask his Jew hate by making it political, ...another common trait among antisemites.

    Stumbler repeatedly posting the worst actions alleged in the interpreted diary with no real relevance to a thread is proof that he only cares about showing Israel and Jews in the worst light he can without being banned
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
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  4. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Israel has not changed one bit since the 1950's. Other than they have gotten a lot better at terrorism, military slaughter, and war crimes. With US help of course.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Price of Jewish blood went up since the 40's
  6. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014

    The IHRA working definition of antisemitism encapsulates both the “old” and “new” Jew-hatred

    On May 26, 2016, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) published its working definition of antisemitism, which has since been adopted or endorsed by 36 UN Member States, including the US.
    The IHRA is a unique intergovernmental organization that empowers political and social leaders to address the need for Holocaust remembrance, research and education worldwide to combat Holocaust denial and incitement of violence against Jews.
    The IHRA definition encompasses both the old and new forms of Jew-hatred. Examples of the “old” include: “Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective…”,

    and from the “new:” “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor;”
    “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis;” and “Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the State of Israel.”

    By definition, Since hamas rained down missiles on Israeli citizens, stumbler has been posting antiIsrael, antiJewish lies and distortion about Israel and the Jewish people, including his endless past comments in 2 threads that have been removed proves...
    stumbler is an antisemitic Jewhater

    He just creatred a new thread to post his antisemitism hidden in the politics of the mid east, a normal person would heed the warning of 2 removed thread and a suspension....antisemites are stubbornly hatefull
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  7. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Ooops, a little palistian balloon fun got out of hand, but thankfully no children were hurt during the flag parade in Jerusalem

    Incendiary balloons spark 20 fires in South amid flag march tensions

    A number of fires broke out in southern Israel on Tuesday, with at least 20 of them sparked by incendiary balloons launched from Gaza.

    Dozens of Palestinians clashed with the IDF along the Gaza border and at least 20 fires were sparked by incendiary balloons in southern Israel on Tuesday, as tensions rose surrounding a flag march through the Old City of Jerusalem
  8. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    This is why Israeli jails are full...

    17 Palestinians arrested in clashes amid Jerusalem flag march
    At least 33 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli security forces.

    Police arrested 17 Palestinians in east Jerusalem during clashes Tuesday evening amid high tensions surrounding the Jerusalem flag march.
    About 33 Palestinians were injured in the disturbances, Palestinian media reported.
    Dozens of Palestinians rioted in streets close to the march’s route and threw stones at police officers, injuring two, the police said.
  9. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Israel changes the path of the children's flag parade away from pali areas for the sake of peace and hamas celebrats a victory and promises more attacks...
    hamas doesnt want peace, hamas wants the destruction of Israel, so when hamas sends incendiary balloons into Israel and starts 20 forest fires, they have to be deterred...with IDF strike on military targets.

    IDF strikes Gaza Strip after incendiary balloon fires - report
    A number of fires broke out in southern Israel on Tuesday, with at least 20 of them sparked by incendiary balloons launched from Gaza.

    The IDF struck a number of military sites belonging to Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday night in response to 20 fires sparked by incendiary balloons earlier in the day.

    "The IDF is prepared for all scenarios, including the resumption of hostilities, in the face of continued terrorist acts from the Gaza Strip," said the IDF Spokesperson's Unit in a statement.

    Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinians clashed with the IDF along the Gaza border on Tuesday, as tensions rose surrounding a flag march through the Old City of Jerusalem.
    During the clashes, a Palestinian within a small group of instigators was shot in the leg and was taken away from the scene in light condition, according to Palestinian media. Israeli forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets at rioters in order to disperse them.Video from southern Israel showed large amounts of smoke in the border area due to the riots. The riots continued into the night as the Night Confusion Units in Gaza returned to operation, launching explosives and burning tires. One Palestinian was shot by the IDF during the riots on Tuesday evening.

    "The courageous stances of the Palestinian resistance, and its decisive decisions that forced the Israeli occupation to change the path of the so-called march of flags away from the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, change the path of civil aviation, and intensify the deployment of the Iron Dome, confirm the achievement of the deterrence equation it imposed in the Battle of Saif al-Quds, and its success in imposing new rules of engagement on the enemy," said Hamas on Tuesday night.
    "The valiant resistance will remain the protective shield for our people, and the behavior of the Israeli occupation on the ground will determine the course and nature of dealing with it," added Hamas.

    After Operation Guardian of the Walls in mid-May, Gantz warned that Israel would respond forcefully to any act of aggression against Israel.
  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    That's a really slick trick to try and keep extending the definition of "antisemitism" but I am glad that even by the new expanded definition no one can rightfully accuse me on antisemitism.

    But we can also see where just like in the 1950's Israel continues to operate by the "reprisal" model where any attack by Palestinians is met by 10 times the destruction and death from the Israeli government.

    Israel launches air raids on Gaza Strip
    Israeli air raids on Gaza come after Palestinians in besieged enclave sent incendiary balloons into southern Israel.

    The Israeli air force launched air raids on the Gaza Strip early on Wednesday after Palestinians in the besieged enclave sent incendiary balloons into southern Israel, Israel’s military and witnesses in Gaza said.

    In a statement, the Israeli army said it attacked Hamas compounds and that it was “ready for all scenarios, including renewed fighting in the face of continued terrorist acts emanating from Gaza”.

    It was not immediately clear if there were casualties as a result of the bombings.

    Palestinian sources told the AFP news agency that the raids targeted at least one site east of the southern city of Khan Younes.

    The air raids mark the first major flare-up between Israel and Gaza since a ceasefire on May 21 ended Israel’s 11-day assault on the territory, which killed 256 Palestinians, including 66 children, according to Gaza authorities. Twelve people in Israel were also killed by rockets fired from the enclave.

    They also are the first raids on Gaza since a new Israeli coalition government, headed by right-wing nationalist Naftali Bennett, took over during the weekend, ending Benjamin Netanyahu’s 12-year run as prime minister.

    The new government on Monday approved a “provocative” march by Israeli far-right nationalists and pro-settler groups through occupied East Jerusalem.

    Hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza protested against Tuesday’s so-called “March of the Flags“, which marks the anniversary of Israel’s 1967 occupation of the city’s eastern part.

    The rally came as tensions remain high over Israel’s planned forced displacement of Palestinian families from the neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

    Ahead of the march, Israeli police forcibly removed dozens of Palestinians from outside the Old City’s Damascus Gate. At least 17 Palestinians were arrested and 33 others were wounded as Israeli police fired stun grenades in the surrounding areas of Damascus Gate.

    Hundreds of Jewish ultranationalists participating in the march were heard chanting “Death to Arabs” in Hebrew. In another anti-Palestinian chant, they yelled: “May your village burn.”

    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014

    The Department of State has used a working definition, along with examples, of anti-Semitism since 2010. On May 26, 2016, the 31 member states of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), of which the United States is a member, adopted a non-legally binding “working definition” of anti-Semitism at its plenary in Bucharest. This definition is consistent with and builds upon the information contained in the 2010 State Department definition. As a member of IHRA, the United States now uses this working definition and has encouraged other governments and international organizations to use it as well.

    Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:

    • Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
    • Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
    • Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
    • Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust
    • Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
    • Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
    • Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
    • Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
    • Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
    • Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
    • Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.

    And many, many, unnecessary Jewish stars, swatzkas, comments throughout the Political forum where your able.

    By definition adopted by The United Nations, The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, and the United States of America...

    bumbler is an antisemitic Jewhater
    • Like Like x 1
    1. deleted user 555 768
      After your two thread were deleted and I was called a lier as to their contents I created a bumbler word file...I save your greatest hits, not all, just the antisemitic ones...dont really care about your other bumbler babble, this is kinda important to me
      deleted user 555 768, Jun 16, 2021
      Distant Lover likes this.
    2. deleted user 555 768
      And if it were me and someone was constantly accusing me of being something despicable like a racist and I werent...I would have reported the son of a bitch by now...just sayin'
      deleted user 555 768, Jun 16, 2021
      Distant Lover likes this.
    3. FuntimeFla
      Not buying , anti Semitism as an excuse!
      FuntimeFla, Jun 16, 2021
      ImDown6969 likes this.
    4. deleted user 555 768
      Who cares, your not smart enough to follow what I posted
      deleted user 555 768, Jun 16, 2021
      Distant Lover likes this.
  12. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Bumbles is such a prolific poster I cant waste a whole day responding to his need to rage against Israel, perhaps I'll wait till the end of the day and post all his opinions at once, be more meaningful that way, a cumulative effect kinds thing
    • Like Like x 1
  13. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Its pretty simple, really.
    Israel has been an ally of America since it was founded.
    Hamas/Palestinians are the sworn enemies of Israel and America. Their stated goal is the destruction of both America and Israel.

    To further that goal Hamas/Palestine engage in terrorist acts aimed at killing innocent citizens of both countries.

    One does not negotiate with terrorists or sworn enemies until a marine boot is firmly planted on their neck.

    And anyone who calls America a "shithole country" and supports America's enemies are traitors.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. FuntimeFla
      It is pretty simple, really!
      However your version is historically wrong.
      It goes back to WW1 , when Britain needed War money ! Lord Rothschild granted the money to Lord Balfour under the Balfour Declaration. The Balfour Declaration, was the strangest in history. Britain gave the land it didn't own, that was owned by another country, The Ottoman Empire, to a Country that did not exist! Israel !
      Israel was born of Polish and Russian Jews commiting acts of terrorism against the Govt of Britain , who was running British Palestine Mandate after WW1, after WW2 it got dumped into the United States lap.

      Do not argue about shit you know nothing about!
      FuntimeFla, Jun 17, 2021
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    As I have already pointed out nothing I have said about the government of Israel meets any of the new definitions of antisemitism as posted on this thread.

    I have never denied the Jewish people their right to self-determination, nor claimed Israel is a racist endeavor.

    I don't try to draw comparisons between contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis;

    I certainly do not hold all Jews collectively responsible for actions of the State of Israel.

    And I have most certainly never denied any part of the Holocaust.

    There are many Jews in both the US and Israel who actually agree with me and support a two state solution.

    But I do not and never will remain silent about the government of Israel resorting to terrorism, assassination, murder mass slaughter and land theft against the Palestinians.

    Biden to nominate Thomas Nides as US ambassador to Israel
    US president to nominate Wall Street banker and ex-State Department official Thomas Nides after months-long delay.

    United States President Joe Biden will nominate Wall Street banker and former State Department official Thomas R Nides to be the country’s next ambassador to Israel, the White House said in a statement on Tuesday.

    Nides is vice chairman of Morgan Stanley, the fourth-largest US investment banking firm, and had been deputy secretary of state from 2011 to 2013 during the administration of former President Barack Obama.

    United States President Joe Biden will nominate Wall Street banker and former State Department official Thomas R Nides to be the country’s next ambassador to Israel, the White House said in a statement on Tuesday.

    Nides is vice chairman of Morgan Stanley, the fourth-largest US investment banking firm, and had been deputy secretary of state from 2011 to 2013 during the administration of former President Barack Obama.

    It also follows 11 days of Israeli bombings of the besieged Gaza Strip last month that killed 256 Palestinians and injured hundreds more. Twelve people were also killed in Israel as a result of rockets fired from the Palestinian territory.

    Known as a pro-Israel Democrat, Nides has worked behind the scenes to enable US funding for United Nations relief efforts for the Palestinians and was awarded the Distinguished Service Award by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

    Nides also has been a big contributor to Democrats, raising more than $45,000 for Democratic candidates across the years, including Biden.

    J Street, a liberal, pro-Israel group based in the US, welcomed Nides’s nomination on Tuesday.

    “The events of the past few weeks have made abundantly clear that our country urgently needs an experienced diplomat to take up this highly sensitive and complex post, and we believe that Nides has the necessary experience,” the group said in a statement.

    Nides would replace former US President Donald Trump’s ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, a bankruptcy lawyer and a staunch supporter of Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories.

    In addition to Nides, the White House said Biden intends to nominate eight others to ambassadorships, including former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and “Sully” Sullenberger, the famed pilot who landed his passenger aircraft on the Hudson River in 2009.

    Salazar is being nominated as ambassador to Mexico and Sullenberger is being named to serve as US representative to the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

    Julianne Smith, a senior adviser to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, also will be nominated to be US ambassador to NATO, the White House said.

    Source: Al Jazeera

    • Like Like x 1
    1. shootersa
      The Palestinians/hamas do not support a two state solution.
      A d Shooter bets no israeli calls Israel a "shithole country".
      shootersa, Jun 16, 2021
  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Speaking of Marine boots. More on that tomorrow.
    1. shootersa
      Still waiting.
      shootersa, Jun 17, 2021
  16. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Stumbler is a lying Jewhating antisemite by definition and deed,
    his lunatic disclaimers prove nothing from someone who who has 1000's of pages of displaying his obsession for all thing not to his liking,
    stumbler is a forum hack of the first class, ..one need only read his other commentary to see what he is capable of concerning Jews and Israel.

    Like all antisemites he lies and denies his hatred and justify demonizing Jews by attacking Israel, he thinks he's clever but he's displaying classic Jew hate,

    I continue to accuse stumbler of habitual antisemitism and Jew hatred...if bumbler spoke in similar terms about any other race, nationality of religion, he would be banned,
    his worst and most vile statements have on been on republicans and Jews.

    YES YOU HAVE, several times

    Thats your constant refrain

    You have used the holocaust to delegitimize Israel and Jews.

    The antisemite Jewhater uses Jews to justify his Jewhate.

    Antisemitism walk the line between hate and acceptability, they sweetly deny they hate Israel and Jews yet obsess over posting a diary from the the 50s of exerpts depicting what someone was considering for israels survival after the holocaust,
    Stumbler is depicting the ramlings of an old man and its interpretation by a relative and arabs as the Policies of Israel today, that is an antisemitic Jewhating lie...stumbler knows this yet he continues to post passages of baby killings and rapes by the IDF.
    Will bumbler next defense be he was just following orders?

    By definition adopted by The United Nations, The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, and the United States of America...

    bumbler is an antisemitic Jewhater
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  17. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Well, aside from stumblers well documented antisemitism and being that this, his intended Jewhating thread is still here, lets see what those peaceloving palistinians are up too...
    oh, a 29 year old palistinian woman tried to run over a group of Israeli soldiers, then she got out and and stabbed one, lucky she had the shit blown out of her before she could do any real damage.
    This happens all the time, Israelis have to be ever vigilant for peace loving palis exercising the right to self determination.

    Attempted stabbing, ramming attack thwarted near Jerusalem
    The terrorist was shot and killed by IDF soldiers. One soldier was lightly injured and treated at the scene.

    An attempted combined stabbing and ramming attack was thwarted by the IDF outside the town of Hizma near Jerusalem on Wednesday, the army said in a statement.A Palestinian woman who arrived at the scene attempted to run over soldiers who were securing engineering work and then exited her car and tried to stab the soldiers. The terrorist was shot and killed by the soldiers, and one soldier was lightly injured and treated at the scene.The terrorist was identified as Mai Afanah, 29, from Abu Dis, by Palestinian media.
  18. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    When Shooter dove on the barrier reef in Australia he met an Israeli couple on their honeymoon. They had just finished their mandatory 2 year military service. Shooter had a chance to talk with them about this, and learned that while there is some minor resistance in Israel to mandatory service, most Israelis consider it part of their obligation for citizenship.

    Shooter thinks this would be a good policy for America, to require military service of every citizen. If Shooter was in charge, military service would be a requirement before one could vote or hold public office.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    1. ImDown6969
      A small percentage of young adults to serve in the military the vast majority of them should be doing eco-restoration projects and community service. A true freedom loving just nation has a 100% volunteer army, by the way. Please. AND, you are the small government, individual freedom, party for the people.....PLEEEZE LOLOLOL
      ImDown6969, Jun 17, 2021
  19. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Israel always had mandatory military service for male and female citizens and also for returning Jews and others becoming citizens, ..the defense of Israel always has been an obsession, has to be, ...
    its a matter of survival, tough being the only democracy in the middle east, let alone the alone being the only Jewish nation surrounded by arabs,...
    thankfully the Camp David and Abraham Accords could be the begins of peace, now only if the palistinians would agree to sit at the table with Israel and negotiate a lasting peace, rather than continued demands that Israel cant agree too
  20. crhurricane

    crhurricane Altered State

    Feb 25, 2018
    Common sense dictates, the problem is whose common sense we talking about.
    A matter of survival for Israel,
    A matter of we want what we want, and no piece of paper will matter, is the palistinians stance.
    So it is basically good luck, hope they have peace,