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  1. garnicorn

    garnicorn Porno Junky

    Nov 2, 2013
    Have you guys ever gotten crazy in the woods camping
  2. alla Adagio

    alla Adagio Porn Star

    Sep 30, 2013
    We fulling intend on it. We actually discussed it before we even started seeing each other. We were good friends before we started going together and would have frequent evenings of getting drunk together and exchanging fantasies. For now, We have to wait till the little one gets bigger to go camping. I think grandpa has to come babysit for the day so we can take a mountain trip. I have a vacation at the end of the month so I'm planning for that. :excited:
  3. danitza

    danitza Sex Lover

    Dec 10, 2013
    This wouldn't be my question, but are the jailers brothers or are two siblings also there?
  4. BFD

    BFD Sex Lover

    May 19, 2007
    Wow, thanks for your answers!

    Lets get dirtier then. Have you ever done a golden shower?

    I mean, what do you think about piss as a sex stimulus?
  5. DarthMorgh

    DarthMorgh The Darth Knight

    Dec 27, 2011
    Do you wear costumes? If so what kinds? May I see a picture or two of you guys in them?
  6. MylesofSmyles

    MylesofSmyles Sex Lover

    Jan 10, 2011
    what kind of scenarios are you into and what are your comfort levels if you were to bring in another person for sex play.
  7. DarthMorgh

    DarthMorgh The Darth Knight

    Dec 27, 2011
    The jailers are brothers.
  8. marius5

    marius5 Sex Lover

    Aug 22, 2012
    can we please see you doing some of the stuff discussed in the thread by way of pics posted here:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  9. alla Adagio

    alla Adagio Porn Star

    Sep 30, 2013
    It personally doesn't do anything for me sexually. I have considered it, but it doesn't really get me going.
  10. alla Adagio

    alla Adagio Porn Star

    Sep 30, 2013
    Possibly. I prefer a live audience but I may consider it. What did you have in mind?
  11. alla Adagio

    alla Adagio Porn Star

    Sep 30, 2013
    Not yet, but I look forward to trying it soon. I've been trying to come up with great scenarios and what costumes we could wear during them. :)
  12. Fiery Cuffs

    Fiery Cuffs Sex Machine

    Oct 6, 2013
    Pissing doesn't do anything for me. I know there are people out there that enjoy it, but it's not my thing.
  13. alla Adagio

    alla Adagio Porn Star

    Sep 30, 2013
    We are into bondage and dicipline scenarios were one is used as a fuck toy for the other. Other than that, we've been entertaining the idea of bringing in another guy and/or another girl where we would train them to please us. If they're good, they will be rewarded. As far as comfort levels go, we're still ironing out those. This is a new idea for us so we're still trying to figure out or hard limits.
  14. Fiery Cuffs

    Fiery Cuffs Sex Machine

    Oct 6, 2013
    We've been talking about our comfort levels when bringing someone else in. I get turned on thinking about watching him suck another guy's dick so that's in my comfort level as well as watching him be fucked. I'm okay with the role being reversed too. Right now I feel like I'm okay if he were to fuck another girl in the ass, but I'm still working out how I feel about him having vaginal sex with another girl. I want to keep some things for just us. Kissing the opposite sex is completely off the table though. It will be easier to know exactly what I'm comfortable with when the situation comes up. I tend to get excited and I have a feeling I'll be okay with things I'm worried about now.
  15. Fiery Cuffs

    Fiery Cuffs Sex Machine

    Oct 6, 2013
    Mmmm, I'm craving using you as my fuck toy right now. :-E
  16. pinkestsuede

    pinkestsuede Sex Machine

    Jul 11, 2013
    I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your candor and your sharing here. It is pretty obvious that you two are wildly in love, which is refreshing! You sound like a perfect match.

    Did you say you have an 8 month old? Not to be too personal, but do you feel that having a child brings you closer together? Did it bring you closer together, or was it a challenge to find time to be alone together?When do you get to sleep?

    Thanks, lovebirds.:p;)
  17. Fiery Cuffs

    Fiery Cuffs Sex Machine

    Oct 6, 2013
    He makes me very happy in every way.

    We do have an eight month old and I'm about four months pregnant again. For us I don't think that having our baby changed my view of him, though I do get to see what an amazing father he is. I personally find I love him more everyday, but I don't think it's only because of our baby but because of what we experience together in all aspects of life.
    We haven't had an issue finding time alone together. We have a very devoted babysitter (grandpa) if we ever feel like we need to get out by ourselves.
    Our baby is a pretty easy little guy. He'll usually sleep through the night and if he doesn't he only wakes up once. I only get tired due to being pregnant. Our baby doesn't make me feel sleep deprived.
  18. pinkestsuede

    pinkestsuede Sex Machine

    Jul 11, 2013
    You two will be together forever, one of those lucky couples whose grandchildren will find them to be the ultimate in cool, LOL.

    Seriously, I find the obvious joy you find in each other to be more interesting than any sexual question I could ask.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Fiery Cuffs

    Fiery Cuffs Sex Machine

    Oct 6, 2013
    Thank you. I consider myself a very lucky lady.

    I've told him I'm going to be that grandma that says whatever is on my mind just because I can. Lol.

    It took long time for us to find each other, I don't think either one of us is willing to let something like this go.
  20. MylesofSmyles

    MylesofSmyles Sex Lover

    Jan 10, 2011
    After hearing what you both want for bringing in a third person, would you consider bringing ME in! Being that your both from So Cal and Im from So Cal!!