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  1. Sissy Michelle

    Sissy Michelle Porn Star

    Feb 10, 2015
    How's it going Suzy?
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    WONDERFUL!!!! The rain held off today long enough for me to (a) do some things (like mow the grass) where I had to pretend to be a man; and (b) let Suzy go shopping! You know, I always worry about how I look when I start Suzytime, so I wore my conservative skirt and jacket set (the black and white one). Spent some time at the mall, where a clerk at a makeup kiosk tried to get me to stop and look at something. I'm guessing that means I looked like your normal female shopper. From there I went to Target, where I was thrilled when a greeter (female) asked, "Do you need a cart, ma'am?" God, I love it when that happens!

    By the time I finished there, my feet ached (those heels really do get to your) and another storm was starting, so I came home to get refreshed and take a bathroom break (I'm still not brave enough...or crazy enough..to use a women's room in public). I figure I can relax, then change into a more interesting skirt and try out the truckstop and/or adult book store later.

    I have been getting some comments from people who think I'm making this stuff up, so I did snap a couple pictures--one in Penney's and one in Target. If I can figure out how to get them posted from my phone, I'll do it.
  3. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    Ok, had to email them to myself. First one is from JC Penney's and it turned out OK.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    The one from Target is pretty blurry, but I guess it at least proves I'm not lying.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    OK, nest question: Which "interesting skirt" should I go with?
    The red one is my sluttiest one--it's skin tight and almost see through. The black one isn't quite as tight, but it matches my top much better. Here's the pics, so someone please help me decide:
    20150613_215939_resized.jpg 20150613_220040_resized.jpg
    20150613_220322_resized.jpg 20150613_220337_resized.jpg
    • Like Like x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    No help? All right, I'm going with the black one--it may not be quite as sexy, but I think the overall look is better.
    I'll report back later. :kiss::kiss:
  7. Sissy Michelle

    Sissy Michelle Porn Star

    Feb 10, 2015
    Sorry to be of no help Suzy...my normal life took over...I hate when that happens......the black one was the way to go.
    Don't ever feel you have to prove anything to anybody ....but I do love the real life action shots! Hope you're having a good time now.... X
  8. Marvin65

    Marvin65 Porn Star

    Nov 18, 2010
    Sorry I wasn't available, family time. The black skirt and white jacket are a nice combo.
  9. Marvin65

    Marvin65 Porn Star

    Nov 18, 2010
    It's must be quite a thrill to going shopping at a major store and convincingly look like a woman.
  10. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    Thanks, Michelle. Maybe I'm just proving things to myself :shrug: Anyhow, there are so many phonies on this board that it's natural for people to question everything. I got a little tired of the "Yeah, right, you dress up in a skirt and heels and go out in public" comments, so maybe the pics will stop them.

    I did get a little interest at the Book store--when I got there, I was the only customer and the sales clerk was on the phone so not much was happening. Then a guy came in while I was inspecting some magazines and I heard him get change for a $20 so he could go to the "back room" (where the video booths are). I turned around and saw him leering at me. I smiled and he smiled back and asked how I was doing. I ALMOST said, t"except for being terminally horny, pretty good". Then I took a good look at him and saw he was about 60, about 70 pounds overweight, had bad teeth and looked so greasy I thought he had just stepped out of a deep fryer. I thought "am I really desperate enough to flirt with that?" I decided I wasn't (even a slut like me has SOME standards!!) and just smiled back and said, "I'm good, how about you?"
  11. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    You can't imagine how it feels! It is so amazing to walk around and have guys open doors for you and have people treat you like a woman. It's almost as exciting as all the positive feedback I get from guys like you. :kiss::kiss:
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Marvin65

    Marvin65 Porn Star

    Nov 18, 2010
    Suzy did you manage to go and have some fun this evening?
  13. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    Oh, I almost forgot--I was holding this while the greaseball was talking to me:
    1. Hard78
      I have a real dick for you...
      Hard78, Jul 12, 2017
  14. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    You must have missed my answer to Michelle a few posts up.
  15. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    OK, time for me to collect my new friend from the adult book store (that's his picture above) and go to bed. See you all tomorrow with a smile on my face if he's as good as I think he's going to be!
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Marvin65

    Marvin65 Porn Star

    Nov 18, 2010
    Have a good night Suzy.. Too bad that is not the real thing.
  17. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    Oh, but he was so amazing! He was insatiable all night! Now I'm sitting here in just my panties, bra and heels having some coffee and trying to build up some strength in case he wants to do me again. I suspect that when I go back to the bedroom, he's going to be hard again.
  18. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    Probably should have put this in the Sissy Bois thread. :)
  19. Marvin65

    Marvin65 Porn Star

    Nov 18, 2010
    SUZY, your new skirt and jacket look great on you. You turn me on so much. It's must be such a rush to walk through the store passing as a beautiful woman.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    sending pm