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Best regards,
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You can now get verified on forum.
The way it's gonna work is that you can send me a PM with a verification picture. The picture has to contain you and forum name on piece of paper or on your body and your username or my username instead of the website name, if you prefer that.
I need to be able to recognize you in that picture. You need to have some pictures of your self in your gallery so I can compare that picture.
Please note that verification is completely optional and it won't give you any extra features or access. You will have a check mark (as I have now, if you want to look) and verification will only mean that you are who you say you are.
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Best regards,

- Joined:
- Jul 17, 2016
- Messages:
- 242
- Likes Received:
- 2,936
- Birthday:
- Dec 23, 1975 (Age: 49)
- Location:
- Franschhoek, South Africa
- Occupation:
- What the Normans Did
Vin Tage
Sex Lover, 49, from Franschhoek, South Africa
I do NOT believe in reincarnation; not now, not when I was a gerbil, not ever. May 24, 2017
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- Birthday:
- Dec 23, 1975 (Age: 49)
- Location:
- Franschhoek, South Africa
- Occupation:
- What the Normans Did
- Gender:
- Male
- Sexual Orientation:
- Bisexual
Hi, I'm tiresome, so is my profile, good luck.
I do GUARANTEE if you're compelled to get in touch because YOU feel a compulsion, it is not going to be boring. I can't offer that guarantee to myself alone, although there are certainly other more predictable outcomes then. So let me say things, so you have something to wrap me around:
The brain's our most powerful sex-organ and if you're not using it as such, you're losing out - I'm not saying burn incense candles and prattle about "it's not the size it's what you do with it"
Utter Crap, the - size counts, particularly if used skillfully - PARTICULARLY if directed by a brain that's on duty. But seriously, no matter how big, thick, vascular or precious your cock might seem to you it is not a powerful defining quality to nourish great lovers. If you disagree we simply have different ambitions and understanding of sexual mediocrity.
Self-awareness is in short-supply which is why folk spend so much time having bad sex.
No Sex is better than Bad Sex - Good Sex should be non-negotiable.
Yep, it's reasonably simple to achieve that. Took a LOT of fucking-up (ahem) to learn mind you....Talk to me and I guarantee to enrich your sex-life, you will certainly enrich mine.
So, please get in touch if:
You want to.
You don't use endless internet speak or or small, yellow cartoons to communicate.
Have anything, ANYTHING, compelling on your mind that you feel like sharing.
Are worried what's on your mind is so obscene or too innocuous. You cannot offend me, and I never judge. I'll certainly want to know more though, so either extreme - and everything in between.
Despite all my many, many words I am after 2 qualities in another:
Have courage to be Responsive (in any way that is true to you)
Have the willingness to be Interactive (but at the pace and exposure which is comfortable for you)
If you are nervous, or insecure / inexperienced or jaded : anything which is holding you back from getting pleasure out of being part of a community such as this site, pull in. I am always interested, have patience and all the time in the world, and a bunch of experience to share. I seek and hope for exactly the same in return.And that goes for anyone in our species, alive and legal. Absolutely anybody. Ask anything, and certainly use whatever process you need to feel comfortable in breaking the ice.
Just no bullies or trolls. I'm not your guy. Assholes and bigots and deviants etc welcome welcome welcome, I couldn't cast the first stone if I was the last human left on Earth, unless I used it to bludgeon us into extinction. I judge nobody: I've done worse.
But make no mistake, despite me always taking a more thoughtful approach and aiming to evolve - it's about sex and enjoying everything about it.
None of us are here for a haircut.
Fact is I could write anything from soap opera dialogue to the Next Great American Novel here, and it makes no difference - most people will look at the pics, quietly judge or justify, and then do nothing except wait for "their type" to find them.
None of us can afford to limit the field with "types" but that's my opinion, I'll write it on the side of this lemon.......Right watch, I'll show you and just leave blank space at the end of the profile...........
"Nice to meet you, where you been?
I could show you incredible things
Magic, madness, heaven, sin
Saw you there and I thought
Oh my God, look at that face
You look like my next mistake
Love's a game, wanna play?
'Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I've got a blank space, baby
And I'll write your name"
- (apologies for the theft Miss Swift) -Interact
Mind not how you speak, so long as you speak your mind - Loading...