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  1. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Maybe I need to elaborate, the reason I suggested a separate forum for political discussion is not because I believe that it has no place in the forums. It is because so many threads are created on the topic that threads of other interests are quickly relegated to second or third page of activity threads, where they likely will die.

    Those who were around here a few years ago, will probably remember the same troubles with game threads, the activity on those were usually by a few posters on each. But, they were very fast moving, generating many posts per minute, which kept them on page one forever. Other threads were being pushed down to obscurity.

    So nophest (I think) created the game forum and the board went back to relatively normal.

    There were few posters who talked politics more than me, I freely admit that. But I really tried to be civil, sometimes it just didn’t work. So I took a year off a few years ago, when I came back it was pretty good, until 2016, then it got very, very nasty. Soon I could not voice an opinion without pissing someone off royally, left or right, it didn’t matter. So I backed away again, this time for more than a year, coming back only recently. Since then I have avoided politics and stayed in safer topics.

    This has been much more pleasant, and prompted me to make the suggestion.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. stumbler
      @tenguy once again I grant this. I am just asking how we do it?
      stumbler, Dec 17, 2020
    2. tenguy
      @stumbler I really don’t think it would be all that difficult. First, most political threads identify themselves in the thread title, so they could easily be moved to the political forum.
      Second, as a thread develops, it should become obvious if it turns political, and a moderator could move it.
      Third, with a forum dedicated to political discussion, thread authors would likely post new stuff there.
      This is really no different than the Personals, Games, Sexuality, Pics, etc. forums already created for the same reasons.
      tenguy, Dec 17, 2020
      deleted user 555 768 likes this.
  2. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014

    Boy, look at the way you talk to a woman you lying fuck! ...Call me a woman hater, I hate your women, the socks who talk just like you and spread the same hate you do, sometimes I wonder if you have multiple profiles, the bullshit is so similar.

    ...you seem to hate all women and anyone you dont agree with!...Eat shit cowboy!
    • Like Like x 1
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    2. Sweetpassion
      It's all good @shy guy. I don't pay no mind to it really.....but thank you. I know nothing about him and most of what everyone argues about concerning politics...i stay away from. He was just going at @SoutheastUSofA so i had to mess with him a little. Lol
      Sweetpassion, Dec 17, 2020
    3. SoutheastUSofA
      SoutheastUSofA, Dec 17, 2020
    4. deleted user 555 768
      He's evil and has only hate in his heart, once he sinks his fangs he wont let go and torment you everywhere, keep far away from him, I'll deal with him ;)
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
      Sweetpassion likes this.
    5. Sweetpassion
      Haha sneaking back to sexuality on my tippy toes!! I have faith in ya.
      Sweetpassion, Dec 17, 2020
    6. deleted user 555 768
      Dont dirty yourself, your too sweet to be here, ...Run, Run, run to the fun!

      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
      Sweetpassion likes this.
  3. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Winner Winner x 2
    1. stumbler
      stumbler, Dec 17, 2020
  4. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    This is all very interesting tenguy but we are off in the weeds already.

    What I am asking let's say Politics and GD are getting a divorce as you ask. All I am asking is ....

    Leave the politics out of it, Consider it forum opinion input. If you are proposing a Politics Section how are we defining that?

    I'm not looking for a fight here. I am asking a question.
  5. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    If a political thread can’t be created Americans could form a social group.
    Like a fight club where they could go and tear each other up, call each other what ever, have a hell of time.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. BigSuzyB
      Get lost.
      BigSuzyB, Dec 17, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
    3. deleted user 555 768
      Quit lookin' for me
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
    4. BigSuzyB
      Why are you speaking to me?
      BigSuzyB, Dec 17, 2020
    5. deleted user 555 768
      Because your speaking to me
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
    6. deleted user 555 768
      Politics is nothing but argument from deceitful people, I'm looking to laugh with fun people who drink Irish whisky, see ya around perv.....so long BSB :laugh:
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
  6. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014

    you slam your political bullshit threads all day, and anything good is behind your hate filled bumblerspeak...you drive fun people away because they cant find fun threads under your trash!

    You personally insult, berate, hound, nag and abuse anybody that dares voice an opinion you dont agree with, you silence others, you drive opposition away by constant alerts of bumblerspeak....

    ...you lie to deliberately antagonize and push others so you can get your kicks abusing them...like a kid torturing a small animal, you are a sadist and enjoy causing others pain.

    You have been posting right too the edge of of rule violation, and your behavior encourages other to do exactly like you...including myself.

    Dont ever claim innocence, EVERYBODY sees what you do and how you assault people...you are the aggressor, people respond to to your bullying

    You are a menace to this forum and fun people are tired of you, the only ones who like you are your socks and fellow travelers.
    I've told you before, three people specifically said to me they are leaving because of you and I know there must be more we never hear from.

    Your copy/paste of rawsewage news is beyond obsessive and amounts to copyright infringement, you post entire web pages in the course of your fanaticism.
    People are tired of your silly name calling and miles of colored pages of your enthusiasm, most people are on cell phones and miles of bumblerspeak is very tiresome.

    Maybe if you learned how to behave like an adult, it wouldnt have came to this, but you must realize, most people know your are ruining GD.

    Let bumbler be King of GD, ...rather hang with the girls anyway,


    As I believe GD is being ruined by political threads and the hateful arguments it encourages,...

    I also must endorse a section for FUN thread, music, dinner, drinking, eating, moods, watching, listening, weather, music, current status, random thoughts, and the like arent politics.

    Threads like stormy, voting, covid, white privilege, Trump this, violence, cnn, fox, dear Americans, rest of the hate America threads, hunter, aljizz, right wing this, election that, etc, etc, etc, so on and so forth...
    • Funny Funny x 1
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    2. deleted user 555 768
      Why should that bother you anyway?
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
    3. BigSuzyB
      I always win.
      BigSuzyB, Dec 17, 2020
      69magpie likes this.
    4. deleted user 555 768
      Yes dear, anything you say dear :meh:
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
    5. deleted user 555 768
      ;)...that was pretty funny :laugh:
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
  7. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014

  8. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    I don't think of it as political,
  9. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    I direct everyone to the FORUM RULES all your suggestions are covered there..

    Take a closer look, especially in rules #2...the second part of #5....#7.....and the second paragraph in #15, "This is a FREE SPEECH site and we respect people's right to have their say...Let's all just be civil about it"
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. submissively speaking
      Rules don’t mean shit if they’re not enforced.
      Dearelliot likes this.
    2. 69magpie
      Unfortunately there's only one of him and as I have worked in the back rooms I know Stan would be under the pump with a few areas of XN to look after.

      Yes the rules have to be enforced......however it's more on the members to follow them.
      69magpie, Dec 17, 2020
    3. stumbler
      You're still a funny mother fucker after all these years.
      stumbler, Dec 17, 2020
    4. 69magpie
      It must be the Aussie in me... :D
      69magpie, Dec 17, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    Ok so let me see if I've got this straight grandma? What ever is forbidden on the GD is anything I have ever posted.

    I will admit @shy guy I saw my old grand ma jump up on a chair, hug her skirt around her legs and start screaming hysterically because she THOUGHT she saw a mouse at least a couple times. But I don't think I ever saw her try it drunk. She was pretty old by then and I would have remembered that.
  11. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    That is why you dont belong here, that is why you annoy everyone, that is how you are ruining GD...your silly little baby like name calling and miles of copys, ....you obsessive annoying lier and everybody knows it ...FORUM FOOL!

    Gunna tell me again how as a republican I'm protected by forum administrators and can easily have you banned...remember you said that to me and others, you menace!
  12. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Its been pointed out many times that personal insults and attacks don't contribute to adult conversation.

    Until that rule can be enforced nothing else will improve.

    Shooter is of course a contributor to the insults and attacks, along with most of the other members here.

    He is convinced however that none of this will change as long as members are allowed to not only attack members personally, but use language in posts that would get their ass kicked in polite company, no matter who or what it is directed at.

    And Shooter doesn't believe some members are capable just now of forming cogent posts without insults.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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    2. deleted user 555 768
      Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit...my ass!
      I make one political post and every liberal would be calling me liar, or twisting words and generally making it impossible for adult to post a differing opinion! Bullshit my ass!

      Dont even say its debate or discussion, you know what bumbler and others post and how they make people react..then I'm called a woman hater all over the forum, then I call him a cock sucker,
      but if bumbler didnt make it his mission to infuriate altering opinion, it wouldnt happen in the first place
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
      thepervertedV likes this.
    3. 69magpie
      It's easy.... Don't react to every post and comment on here....put in your two bobs worth then walk away, it'll soon shut them up.
      69magpie, Dec 17, 2020
    4. deleted user 555 768
      "It's easy.... Don't react to every post and comment on here....put in your two bobs worth then walk away, it'll soon shut them up."

      Thanks Dad, never thought of that...if I told ya I deliberately ignored shittythighs for 2 days while she continues to call me....you'll have an answer for that also

      Bumbler names names, calls me directly with all his bumblerspeak..you expect someone to ignore that.....Ignore and shut them up, ya right, ....put 'em all in a steel cage GD section and let em eat eachother
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
    5. 69magpie
      Your problem is that you think that everyone is talking about you.... even if the subject doesn't mention you, in your mind it must be about you.

      You carry on as the forum won't survive without your input into every post....... this will bruise your ego but the forum will survive.
      69magpie, Dec 17, 2020
      thinskin and Josef.K. like this.
    6. deleted user 555 768
      Oh is that it thanks...lets here your evaluation of Bumbler now, or ever yours...

      "Don't react to every post and comment on here."...you cant walk away until you drive the other crazy and they stop, so dont look at me, figure out what makes you tick.....are you gunna take your advice and walk away now or give me your last word?
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
  13. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. 69magpie
      Exactly Suzy..
      69magpie, Dec 17, 2020
    2. deleted user 555 768
      First time for everything
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
    3. deleted user 555 768
      Because...you did it to me first, thats why
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
    4. 69magpie
      "Because you did it to me first, that's why"....yep, that confirms it, you're 10 yrs old.
      69magpie, Dec 17, 2020
      Josef.K. likes this.
  14. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Funny how its liberals and instigators that want to keep everything in GD...wonder why?....They wont have anybody to fight with
  15. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    • Like Like x 1
    1. deleted user 555 768
      Second time you posted that shitty, got anything new...by the way, where's bumbler?
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
    2. silkythighs
      Can't help using that one. Its just so fitting.
      silkythighs, Dec 17, 2020
    3. deleted user 555 768
      Shall I tell you where you can fit it?
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Before I am totally banished from the GD let me tell you one more true story about it. One night me and a member were fighting (go figure) and she wanted to know what the hell I expected to get from a porn forum and I said for one thing (because I was being an asshole go figure) where the god damned other 75% of the Universe was. Because I had heard on TV it was missing.

    She called bullshit. I put up a thread.

    People showed up and they were like really pissed off. Its Dark Matter OK. I swear I only came here because I wanted to cum. Why would you put this up? Well because I wanted to know. Well we don't know OK there are you satisfied. And no one was and the thread took off. It was String Theory before it was done.
    1. ace's n 8's
      This is one of your more sensical posts.
      ace's n 8's, Dec 17, 2020
  17. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    Oh shit.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    Well done children you've done it....

    Can we now have separate sections for motorcycles, another one for cars and another for jokes....and "Good Morning" definitely needs it's own section.

    :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
    • Like Like x 1
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    2. 69magpie
      What's a Zealander?.
      69magpie, Dec 17, 2020
    3. deleted user 555 768
      Ask a kangaroo
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
    4. 69magpie
      I did....Skippy just shook his head and told me that you're nuts.
      69magpie, Dec 17, 2020
    5. deleted user 555 768
      A separate section is needed to segregate your caustic comments....cant have a discussion that doesnt end in insult....but shy guy
      deleted user 555 768, Dec 17, 2020
    6. 69magpie
      Caustic.. not at all, sarcastic most definitely.

      Back to my question....what is a Zelander?.
      69magpie, Dec 17, 2020
  19. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Oh well, my little idea has certainly met with lively discussion. Actually there have been a few very civil exchanges between antagonists. Maybe there is hope.
  20. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    @StanleyOG Thank you, I really hope this helps the forums.
    • Like Like x 1
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