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  1. ImDown6969

    ImDown6969 Sex Machine Banned!

    Jun 14, 2021
    That’s as legitimate as a three dollar bill. Set up a go fund me site for the neon sign surgically implanted in your forehead.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Proof positive...stupid has no shame.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. ImDown6969

    ImDown6969 Sex Machine Banned!

    Jun 14, 2021
    Obviously not. You keep posting.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    1. ImDown6969
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
  5. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Must be the first and only time there were ballot problems anywhere in America since its founding...good thing this aberration was found!

    NYC mayoral primary in chaos after 135,000 pre-election test ballots counted

    Adams first spotted the vote discrepancy

    The New York City Board of Elections on Tuesday faced swift backlash over an error that resulted in 135,000 pre-election test votes being counted because they were not properly purged from the system.

    The BOE took to Twitter to announce the issue and said these test votes were not cleared from the Election Management System. The board apologized and said it took "immediate measures to ensure the most accurate up to date results are reported."

    Karol Markowicz, a columnist for the New York Post, tweeted, "Can’t be overstated how damaging this kind of thing is to public trust in elections."

    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    1. ImDown6969
      Your attempt at satire has failed.
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
    2. Username 1
      Can you see how it sticks out when there is an actual problem with ballots. They knew they had a problem in hours and had it rectified in a few days.
      Like Barr said it is a counting of ballots, when the number counted and the number of votes cast are the same there is no issue.
      Username 1, Jul 1, 2021
      ImDown6969 likes this.
  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Wisconsin GOP leader gushed that Trump's 'power' was on par with 'Thor's hammer' in groveling letter

    Brad Reed
    June 30, 2021

    Donald Trump playing golf, as he has about 30 hours a week during his presidency/Screenshot

    The Republican president of the Wisconsin State Senate sent a groveling letter to former President Donald Trump last week after the twice-impeached former president criticized his party for not overturning the results of the 2020 election.

    The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Wisconsin State Sen. Chris Kapenga last week tried to smooth over tensions between the Wisconsin GOP and the former president after Trump accused them of "working hard to cover up election corruption" and "actively trying to prevent a Forensic Audit of the election results."

    "Wisconsin Republican leaders Robin Vos, Chris Kapenga, and Devin LeMahieu, are working hard to cover up election corruption, in Wisconsin," Trump ranted in a statement last Friday.

    "Don't fall for their lies! These REPUBLICAN 'leaders' need to step up and support the people who elected them by providing them a full forensic investigation. If they don't, I have little doubt that they will be primaried and quickly run out of office."

    In response, Kapenga sent Trump a letter informing him that his claims about the Wisconsin GOP covering up purported election fraud "could not be further from the truth," before he lavished the former president with obsequious praise.

    "I feel I need to respond even though you will likely never hear of it, as the power of your pen to mine is like Thor's hammer to a Bobby pin," he wrote.

    Kapenga also assured Trump that he was still wearing his memorabilia everywhere he went, despite the fact that the former president accused him of abetting election fraud.

    "In addition to my Trump socks, I will pull up my Trump/Pence mask when I board the plane, as required by federal law," he wrote. "I figure, if the liberals are going to force me to wear a mask, I am going to make it as painful for them as possible. I will continue to do this regardless of whether or not I ever hear from you."

    • Like Like x 1
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  7. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    That is going to be difficult wearing big red noses and oversize shoes!:rolleyes:

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  8. Username 1

    Username 1 Porn Star Banned!

    Apr 19, 2021
    How ironic that the FRAUDIT is getting uprooted by a GUN SHOW.​
    • Funny Funny x 2
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    1. ImDown6969
      POW! LOL
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
  9. 1 Toy Maker

    1 Toy Maker Kuns og Kram Smukke Love once found never lost

    Sep 17, 2013
    Stumbled across this while watching mercedes do donuts...... Who knew.... Anyway it's a copy paste.

    The more that states and counties investigate their own elections the way that they're supposed to, the more they're finding out that it's all been a sham that liberals have been stealing elections right out from under the people.

    In Mississippi, they found that in one city, the results were proven to be a lie because 78% of the mail-in votes were determined to be fraudulent.


    In the sixty-four-page order, Judge Jeff Weill not only calls for a new election but also finds evidence of fraud and criminal activity, in how absentee ballots were handled, how votes were counted, and the actions by some at the polling place.

    In his ruling, the judge said that sixty-six of eighty-four absentee ballots cast in the June runoff were not valid and should never have been counted. Nicholas Holliday was declared the winner by a 37 vote margin. Robert Devaull challenged the results in court.

    Judge Weill found many irregularities with absentee ballots. He issued a bench warrant for notary Dallas Jones, who notarized absentee ballots. During a hearing, Jones admitted violating notary duties.


    “When you have an absentee ballot, there’s an envelope, you vote, fold the ballot, put it in an envelope, lick the flap, sign across the flap, then notary signs your election certificate, she testified that she didn’t sign in front of anybody, didn’t see anybody sign it, she just notarized it, just stamped them,” said Lydia Quarles, attorney for Robert Devaull.

    Now, if other cities would continue this due diligence and investigate the elections and the ballots in their own cities, I'm sure that people would learn that they've been hoodwinked as well.

    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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    1. ImDown6969
      That’s total bullshit. That’s about an election for a fucking alderman in a city. You failed to mention that for some reason. LMFAO There’s a tell when you’re lying. If you’re keystroking.....
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
  10. 1 Toy Maker

    1 Toy Maker Kuns og Kram Smukke Love once found never lost

    Sep 17, 2013
    And here's the donating Merc for you as well.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. ImDown6969
      Real relevant to the issue. Pfffft
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
      deleted user 555 768 likes this.
    2. deleted user 555 768
      It is, too bad you cant understand why...or just need a reason to bitch
  11. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    But, but but, TRUMP, but, but but, COURTS, but, but but, WCBI News, but, but but, RACISM, but, but but, but, but but......need I but more?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. deleted user 555 768
      Holy fuck is this profile nuts!
    3. ace's n 8's
      ace's n 8's, Jul 2, 2021
    4. deleted user 555 768
      Dryer lint :laugh:
    5. shootersa
      @ImDown6969 can always be counted on to resort to insults and attacks when he doesn't like a post.

      It exposes his inability to engage in a worthwhile conversation on any topic and raises questions about his claim of a masters in political science.

      The sad thing is that he's no good at insults even.
      "....you people are nothing but a fucking ignorant ass officers in the Confederacy of dunces...."​
      How creative and clever, right?

      A butt nugget on the ass crack of society.

      *drops mic
      shootersa, Jul 2, 2021
    6. ImDown6969
      ImDown6969, Jul 4, 2021
  12. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    Yeah, how's that NYC Mayoral election going - 135,000 'phantom ballots' showing up.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. deleted user 555 768
      Then take your meds and go to bed
    3. shootersa
      Oh, was that noise aimed at Shooter?
      He thought someone was killing a chicken.

      So, heres the thing, @ImDown6969 about discussing anything with shooter.

      He doesn't play chess with pigeons.
      If you have a point, fucking state it.
      Then we can toss it around.

      And the easiest way to end the discussion is to start with the insults, cause at that point Shooter wins.

      Now, this:
      "Ratio of popular vote instead of winner take all."​
      Is hardly a starting point for a discussion, is it?

      And just so even you understand:
      Well, then, aire ye fer it er is ye aginit?
      shootersa, Jul 5, 2021
    4. deleted user 555 768
      Being I'm no longer part of the discussion and I didnt want to post any chicken killing...here's the aftermath...not meant to distract Imadowner, just go on and address shooter

      shootersa likes this.
    5. ace's n 8's
      Repeat it enough...it becomes true.
      ace's n 8's, Jul 5, 2021
    6. ace's n 8's
      Even a political science hack fuck should know that the electoral college dispenses the vote according to what the States legislature has determined by law....

      Looks like that 'States Rights' thingy rears it's ugly head once again.....a 10th Amendment issue.
      ace's n 8's, Jul 5, 2021
  13. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Democrats see dead people
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    I'm sure you heard about these leftist shenanigans.

    Democrats seek to change election rules ahead of recall

    OAN Newsroom
    UPDATED 1:20 PM PT – Wednesday, June 30, 2021

    On Monday, Democrat legislators passed Senate Bill 152, allowing them to speed up California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D) recall election. Republicans believe this is an intentional move, alleging Newsom is trying to cheat the recall with the new bill.

    Reports said the move would allow lawmakers to skip a 30-day legislative review process as long as money is set aside for counties to pay for the costs of the election. Some critics have said this would allow Democrats to take advantage of “favorable conditions” as Newsom has relaxed COVID-19 restrictions on the state.

    During the assembly floor session on Monday, GOP Assemblyman Vince Fong (R-Calif.) voiced his opposition to the bill saying, “our electoral system is designed to promote democracy, trust and transparency. This bill does the exact opposite.”

    Fong said he believes this is solely an effort to manipulate the timing of an election and “attempt to try and obtain a partisan outcome for one side.” He also added that this was not a path they should be going down.

    This comes as Democrats have tried to change the rules in the past. Back in 2017, California Democrats changed the recall rules to try and save State Sen. Josh Newman (D) from being recalled.

    Now, Republicans say this sudden call to change the rules in Newsom’s recall has unwanted intentions, warning the move could play out in Newsom’s favor.

    Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-Calif.) said the state senator had not acted as a judge in the process, saying he had a “bare minimum level of decency” and that it seems to be too much to ask of Newsom. “We have the unprecedented circumstance where Gov. Gavin Newsom with the stroke of a pen will be changing California law in order to try to beat back his own recall,” said Kiley.

    Meanwhile, Newsom is suing his own elections chief for refusing to correct a mistake that could fail in labeling Newsom’s political party next to his name on the recall ballot. Critics have suggested the decision may be hinged off of Newsom allegedly being worried that the omission could be seen as a threat as he has previously stated the recall is a Republican effort.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. ImDown6969
      Hardly. I just wish I could actually meet you in person. That’s all, I would deepen the gene pool. It’s been absent a lifeguard far too long.
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
    3. ace's n 8's
      Eh...dont worry about kid...I'm nothing special...I wish I could say the same about wanting to meet you, but I dont.
      ace's n 8's, Jul 1, 2021
    4. ImDown6969
      I’m sure, I never doubted that. Scoundrels never want to meet justice.
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
    5. ace's n 8's
      I wonder.....when you're sitting at the dinner table, is it difficult for others to talk, because all that is important is what you have to say?...just curious there kid.
      ace's n 8's, Jul 1, 2021
  15. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014

    What a fake ass cyber bullshit GOP fox but Russian Putin cocksucking Vodka junkies. :O_o:

    I don’t know why the fuck I’m here.

    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. ImDown6969
      Then I must recant that statement. It’s a vent. And since it’s going to be a digital record for perpetuity in the ether, I want to be known as the guy who was right. Although, I must admit, you dumb ass’s have taken all the fun out of #Itoljaso
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
    2. ace's n 8's
      Venting on a porn site?...wow, that's all I can say about it....wow.
      ace's n 8's, Jul 1, 2021
    3. ImDown6969
      It’s not like I’m participating in any practice of pornography when I’m talking politics now is it. You can’t say a fucking word that is not completely disingenuous or a bold face lie. How the fuck do you look at yourself in the mirror?
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
    4. deleted user 555 768
      you will be known as someone who ran their mouth in every thread possible, in an obsessively active and arrogant fashion, bragging about education, experience and family...you seem to be an expert on everything including deception
      you brought derision to any valid point you made, as someone who obsessively hounded every post someone made with personal insults backed up with name calling toward others you seem comfortable with, most would find abhorrent.

      You also have the dubious distinction of being suspended in your first month, your enthusiastic activity upon return suggests provocation to provoke bannation

      .....Thats what the digital record for perpetuity in the ether,
      shootersa likes this.
    5. ace's n 8's
      I dont care if you gander upon some titties every now and again...frankly I would be very concerned if you didn't gawk at the titties that we are being afforded to look at.

      You and I...2 peas in a pod huh nickledick?
      ace's n 8's, Jul 1, 2021
  16. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Just sayin'

    Supreme Court upholds Arizona voter fraud protections

    The case centered on a ballot harvesting restriction and a rule blocking provisional ballots cast at the wrong location

    The Supreme Court upheld Arizona voting rules that restrict ballot harvesting and the submission of provisional ballots outside of one’s home precinct.

    In a 6-3 decision on Tuesday, the court ruled that neither the policy requiring provisional ballots to be completely disregarded if submitted at the wrong precinct nor the law making it a felony to submit another person’s ballot (with limited exceptions) violate Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. The decision overturned a ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

    "We now hold that the en banc court misunderstood and misapplied §2 and that it exceeded its authority in rejecting the District Court’s factual finding on the issue of legislative intent," Justice Samuel Alito
    1. 1 Toy Maker
      I don't even understand what that means..
      1 Toy Maker, Jul 7, 2021
    2. deleted user 555 768
      It means democrats lost
      1 Toy Maker likes this.
  17. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    And the despicable reaction so far has been to continue the lie that election reform efforts are racist.

    But then, what else have they got?
    1. ImDown6969
      Seditious scum says wut?
      ImDown6969, Jul 4, 2021
    2. shootersa
      Oh lookit!
      The resident idiot is back.
      shootersa, Jul 4, 2021
  18. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    This should really ratchet up the leftists....not sure how they'll be able to use the race card on this...confident that they'll give it a good college try.

    Ariz. state Senate to subpoena election routers, passwords to complete audit

    OAN Newsroom
    UPDATED 6:52 AM PT – Thursday, July 1, 2021

    Arizona election audit spokesman Randy Pullen said the state senate will subpoena the routers and passwords that are still being withheld by election officials. He announced the state’s plans to issue the subpoena on Wednesday while noting it has been difficult to complete the audit without information on the routers and passwords.

    “We have none of that information has been provided to us, and it’s something that the Senate will have to go back to the county and request those items,” explained the spokesman. “So again, it’s very difficult to complete the audit without getting that information.”

    Pullen said state senators will determine the timeline for the examination of electronic equipment that was used during the 2020 elections in Arizona. He confirmed the ballot count is now complete, but some electronic data is still raising questions.

    “A few minor things still need to be done with respect to some software additions they made,” Pullen stated. “We got some additional information for the county. Apparently there was a difference on how many duplicate ballots there were per batch, so they gave us a new list and so we had to create software that took that data and compared it to our data to deal with the duplicate ballots.”

    The state Senate is expected to issue subpoenas in coming days. Additionally, Maricopa County recently announced plans to replace all of its subpoenaed election equipment while noting the county will “never use compromised equipment that could pose a risk to free and fair elections.”

    While Arizona Republicans believe it is a step in the right direction, the replacement of equipment is not going to undo the mistakes already made. They argue if the machines are not able to undergo a forensic audit to verify the presidential election results then they never should have been approved to be used in an election in the first place.
    • Like Like x 1
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  19. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Well of course. Treasonous conservative/Republicans are the "grab them by the pussy" party.

    Meanwhile if counties and states were finding massive voter fraud why don't they present that evidence. Instead of states like Michigan finding no voter fraud.

    New Arizona election audit scandal erupts as women say sexual harassment complaints were ignored

    John Wright
    July 02, 2021


    Several women who've participated in Arizona's partisan election "audit" are alleging sexual harassment by male co-workers, and they say management initially ignored their complaints.

    One of the alleged victims provided Phoenix's CBS 5 with statements from seven witnesses and victims corroborating her description of what happened.

    "The statements described situations that involved more than one alleged offender, but the complaints centered on one man in particular," the station reported. "The letters are dated May 8. But the employee who spoke to (CBS 5) said the man was kept on staff for another month."

    "We told upper management and they allowed him to stay on the floor for weeks," the woman said.

    According to the alleged victims, the primary offender engaged in unwanted touching, demanded dates from women he thought were attractive, and made comments about their appearances, asking them things like, "You showing off your butt?"

    When they rebuffed his advances, he would insult them. He also reportedly was prone to angry outbursts. "This issue seemed to stem from some type of anger over women having authority over him," one witness said.

    Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, who initiated the audit, relayed a statement to CBS 5 from the project's "lead vendor" — presumably the private firm Cyber Ninjas.

    "I have never received any written complaints of any type of sexual harassment, nor has a complaint like this been brought to my attention," the statement said. "The closest thing I can think of is I am aware of a single table manager who was cussing a lot, and had apparently told an inappropriate joke. We fired him immediately."

    In related news, ballots and machines being used in the audit were packed up and moved for the fourth time Thursday — to make way for a gun show at the basketball gym Cyber Ninjas had been using. The audit was initially expected to be completed in May, but a spokesman for the audit said this week they have "a little more work to do."

    "In an interview, an observer watching the process on behalf of Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D), the state's chief elections officer, said it appeared to him as though the delay has potentially been caused by audit workers who were spotting problems and struggling to reconcile their own numbers," the Washington Post reported. "Ryan Macias, former acting director of certification and testing for the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, said he overheard one worker express confusion over why a process she believed was sound was producing so many mistakes.

    "Macias also said audit organizers had been continually introducing new procedures into their work — on Tuesday he said for the first time he saw workers using large scales to weigh boxes of ballots, presumably to get a new count of how many ballots each box contained."

    1. shootersa
      When can we expect the charges of racism?
      shootersa, Jul 4, 2021
    2. ace's n 8's
      ace's n 8's, Jul 5, 2021
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    BUSTED: Arizona official was told to ‘stop the counting’ during blitz by Trump, Giuliani and GOP chair

    Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Fox News (screengrab)

    Donald Trump is under investigation in Georgia for his caught-on-tape efforts to pressure Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find" 12,000 votes to overturn the election in the Peach State. A bombshell new report by The Arizona Republic documents a parallel effort to overturn the election results in Arizona.

    "Then-President Donald Trump tried to speak directly with the chair of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in the weeks after the November 2020 election as his allies sought to change the election results in a state he narrowly lost to Democrat Joe Biden. New records obtained by The Arizona Republic reveal the behind-the scenes efforts by Trump, his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, and state GOP Chair Kelli Ward to pressure the county supervisors, who make up the elected body that oversees elections in the state's most populous county," the newspaper reported.

    "Much of the attention from Trump's allies was focused on Supervisor Clint Hickman, the 56-year-old lifelong Republican from a prominent West Valley family that runs an egg company. At the time, Hickman chaired the five-member Republican-controlled board, a position that gave him the power to set agendas, hold hearings on the election process, and certify — or delay — the 2020 election results," the newspaper explained.

    The newspaper reports Hickman was first told Trump would probably be calling him by state GOP Chair Kelli Ward.

    The White House reportedly called on New Year's Eve, but Hickman let the call to go voicemail. And before the White House caught up with Hickman, news broke of Trump's January 2nd phone call with Raffensperger which has resulted in a grand jury investigation in Fulton County, Georgia.

    "I was horrified," Hickman said, fearing he would receive a similar call. "I'm not going to tape a president, so I'm not going to talk to a president … I didn't want to have a very rough call to my home on a Sunday night."

    Ward, the GOP chair, explained what Trump supporters wanted.

    "We need you to stop the counting." Ward texted.

    The bombshell report comes against the backdrop of the controversial Arizona audit of the votes, which has been widely condemned for lacking legitimacy.


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