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  1. RedSquare

    RedSquare Porno Junky

    Jun 13, 2021
    This suggests:

    * That the frankencine is no more effective than vitamin D
    * That it may actually damage or weaken the immune system

    This statistic is the rationale behind the CDC's new "mask mandate".

    By now, the True Believers in the Medical Establishment and the Magic Vaxx are beginning to ask "What have we done?!"

    A dangerous chemical with unknown and possibly fatal long-term side effects has been injected into tens of millions of Americans, and even into children, in what is the biggest and most reckless medical experiment in history, under the guise of stopping an influenza outbreak that is rarely fatal.

    - - -

    Here's my source:

    "CDC releases study showing 3/4 Delta cases are among the vaccinated, says masks are the answer", in RT, on 30 Jul 2021, at https://www.rt.com/usa/530741-cdc-vaccine-delta-study-masks/

    > Photo: FILE PHOTO: People wearing face protective masks walk on Hollywood Blvd in Los Angeles, California, March 29, 2021 © Reuters / Mario Anzuoni

    > The CDC has released a study backing up its decision to recommend indoor masking for both vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans. The study examined one outbreak and found three-quarters of people testing positive were vaccinated.

    > The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revised its masking guidelines on Tuesday, urging all Americans in areas with high Covid-19 transmission to mask up when indoors, regardless of vaccination status. Mask mandates in companies, government departments, and certain local jurisdictions followed, as CDC Director Rochelle Walensky insisted the decision was made on the back of fresh scientific evidence.

    > See also: "‘Doesn’t change our GAME PLAN’: WHO says no evidence ‘faster & fitter’ Delta variant has higher mortality or vax resistance"

    > The CDC released that evidence on Friday. In a study of 469 cases of Covid-19 that broke out in the resort town of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, earlier this month, 74% occurred in “fully vaccinated persons.” Four out of five patients hospitalized were fully vaccinated, and on average the inoculated had completed their two rounds of doses only 86 days before infection.

    > The cases studied occurred in people vaccinated primarily with Pfizer and Moderna shots, with a smaller number having received Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose jab. No one vaccine was singled out as providing better or worse protection, and none appeared to prevent symptoms from developing. Some 79% of vaccinated patients were symptomatic, the study noted.

    > Lab testing revealed that 90% of all the Cape Cod infections involved the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

    > The report lends weight to the argument that the current crop of vaccines aren’t as effective against the Delta variant, although the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) both insist that vaccination is effective against “severe disease and death” from the virus, to quote WHO technical lead Maria Van Kerkhove in a briefing earlier on Friday.

    > See also: "Governor Abbott threatens to fine local govts that order Texans to mask up as CDC U-turn triggers wave of new mandates"

    > However, the CDC study noted that similarly high viral loads were found in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Walensky stated on Friday that “high viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission” and raised concern that “vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus.” The study itself is less alarmist, stating that “microbiological studies are required to confirm these findings.”

    > Walensky said that the Cape Cod study was “pivotal” in informing the CDC’s decision to recommend indoor masking. Previously, the agency drew flak from Republicans for using an extremely limited Indian study on viral loads and potential transmission to back up the mask guidance, as was revealed by documents leaked to the Washington Post on Thursday.

    > The study appears to negate the argument by top health officials that unvaccinated Americans are responsible for the fourfold rise in Covid-19 cases in the US since June. “This is an issue predominantly among the unvaccinated, which is the reason why we’re out there, practically pleading with the unvaccinated people to go out and get vaccinated,” White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN on Sunday, adding that the US is currently moving “in the wrong direction” with regard to stamping out Covid-19.

    > Whether mask mandates will slow the spread of the Delta variant will be borne out with time. Beyond requiring masks and pressuring Americans to get vaccinated, the White House is running out of options.

    > A national vaccine requirement is “not under consideration at this time,” Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Friday. Jean-Pierre also stated that “we are not going to head towards a lockdown.”

    > Meanwhile, a spokesman for the White House Covid-19 team Ben Wakana lashed out at the New York Times and the Washington Post, berating the papers for “doing it wrong” and being “completely irresponsible” for quoting the CDC documents without “important context” about vaccinations.
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Justin135
      Justin135, Aug 2, 2021
    3. Justin135
      Justin135, Aug 2, 2021
    4. Justin135
      Justin135, Aug 2, 2021
    5. Justin135
      Justin135, Aug 2, 2021
    6. manuel42
      nice work redsquare
      manuel42, Aug 3, 2021
  2. umpire2

    umpire2 Share-Man of the Board

    Dec 13, 2007
    Interesting. This "study" goes against all other evidence. I am certain it is right, and everyone else is wrong (just as the Earth is flat)
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. FuntimeFla
      There is no proof that the earth isn't flat, only circular ! I postulate that it is possible for the earth to be flat, and that its view only changes from the point of view in which you are located or if in space , from the point of view of position of observance!
      FuntimeFla, Jul 31, 2021
    2. FuntimeFla
      There is no proof that the earth isn't flat, only circular ! I postulate that it is possible for the earth to be flat, and that its view only changes from the point of view in which you are located or if in space , from the point of view of position of observance!
      FuntimeFla, Jul 31, 2021
    3. umpire2
      umpire2, Jul 31, 2021
      Dearelliot and Ed Itor like this.
  3. FirmHose

    FirmHose Porn Star

    Feb 14, 2021
    No surprises here
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. RedSquare
      It is the people who take the frankencine and begin to suffer consequences who will be unpleasantly surprised.

      > We Trusted the System! We Trusted the Medical Establishment! We Trusted the TV Drug Commercial! The System lied to us?! Unthinkable! Has that ever happened before?! How could we have known?!

      I have a friend who took Valium (diazepam) and ended up losing her memory and having a seizure. The drug destroyed her. But the experts said that the drug is Perfectly Safe, and they would Never Ever Lie, so she must be imagining that she is incapacitated.
      RedSquare, Jul 31, 2021
  4. umpire2

    umpire2 Share-Man of the Board

    Dec 13, 2007
    Except that it is 100% incorrect
    • Like Like x 1
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  5. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Wait till the Epsilon variant comes out, ...aliens I tell ya
    • Like Like x 1
    1. shootersa
      shootersa, Aug 1, 2021
      deleted user 555 768 likes this.
    2. deleted user 555 768
      I'm talking about the bad aliens, from the other side of the worm hole
    3. shootersa
      No aliens on earth except Shooter.
      Behave yourself *
      *stares pointedly at matter transformation unit strapped to Shooters hip.
      shootersa, Aug 1, 2021
  6. umpire2

    umpire2 Share-Man of the Board

    Dec 13, 2007
    Now THAT is right!
  7. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    So what if the vaccine actually triggered the Delta varient?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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    2. Ed Itor
      Of course it did. That was the whole idea, it's a way to thin the herd.
      Lefties started it as a save the earth project.
      Ed Itor, Jul 31, 2021
      heads-up likes this.
  8. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    Here is a Conspiracy Theory for you ! What if it is really true that the wealthy want to de-populate the earth? How better to do it than scare the bejesus out of everyone with rumours of a killer virus ! Then get everyone to take shots that destroy your immuno system?
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
    1. umpire2
      umpire2, Jul 31, 2021
      Dearelliot likes this.
    2. FuntimeFla
      Personal attack with zero explanation Dismissed ! Loser ! See I can say it too! My accusation has more merit !
      FuntimeFla, Jul 31, 2021
      heads-up and RedSquare like this.
    3. John227
      @FuntimeFla wrote "What if it is really true that the wealthy want to de-populate the earth? How better to do it than scare the bejesus out of everyone with rumours of a killer virus"

      History has shown that the BEST way to depopulate the earth is through war! Let the rich start a good world war that last 6, 7, or 8 years. That could rid the world of 2 or 3 % of the population. WWII generated 65 - 75 million total deaths. If the wars in China at the time are added, (civil war and war with Japan) then total war deaths from around 1937 - 1949 are loosely estimated at around 120 - 130 million persons.
      John227, Aug 1, 2021
  9. Rixer

    Rixer Horndog

    Aug 2, 2008
    Alex Morse, town manager of Provincetown said that of the 900 cases now linked to the cluster, "there have been no deaths, 7 hospitalizations, and the symptoms are largely mild."

    So it looks like the vaccine was working well enough to keep almost everyone from experiencing nothing but mild conditions if any at all. That's the good news so it's better to be vaccinated than not. Now they are back to being more cognizant of health proticals like wearing masks and the rise in cases has gone back down.

    The proof is right there. Vaccinate, wear masks in public places indoors, wash your hands and practice social distancing. That's what your story is telling you.
    • Like Like x 2
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    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. RedSquare
      I'm not opposed to washing my hands, keeping my distance and wearing a mask. None of these things can kill me.

      Getting myself injected with a random chemical can kill me -- and the CDC VAERs database indicates that it has killed more people than all vaccines combined.

      See the difference? Tell me why the Medical Establishment has failed to explore all alternatives to the Magic Vaccine. There are many ways to fortify the immune system, but all are ignored by the Establishment -- all except the billion-dollar "Vaccine". Why?
      RedSquare, Jul 31, 2021
    2. FuntimeFla
      Meaningless ! There was no control group to begin with, thus results are faulty, try again though , I like people conducting experiments !
      FuntimeFla, Jul 31, 2021
  10. litedeadw8t

    litedeadw8t Sex Lover

    Mar 28, 2015
    Wearing masks have never worked. If they did why is Japan experiencing such a high rate of infection? And MIT proved social distancing didn't matter
    1. View previous comments...
    2. submissively speaking
      No no no. Let’s be clear.

      Florida Man said,
      To which you replied,
      I said it wasn’t true, and I doubted the CDC ever said any of those things.

      And you posted links in response to that. The links do not support any of Florida Man’s statements. And they sure as hell don’t indicate anything nefarious or sinister on behalf of the CDC.

      If you’ve branched off on another conversation, then you ought to give your interlocutors notice, yeah? Otherwise, that dog don't hunt.

      Baby I ain’t anyone’s enemy on this board, contrary to popular belief. What I want is clear minds and strong hearts and general health and well-being.
      blacksheep-pervert and RedSquare like this.
    3. shootersa
      What, you want Shooter to have it tattooed on his forehead?
      He was wrong. He agreed with a statement before he checked it.
      He went from his initial impression, not from research.
      Now, are you happy?
      Shooter was wrong. He shot off his mouth before he checked.
      What, you need a pound of flesh, or perhaps a slice of skin from his back?
      shootersa, Aug 2, 2021
    4. submissively speaking
      Not necessary. Everyone makes mistakes.

      Just not trying to divert is sufficient.
      RedSquare likes this.
    5. shootersa
      Oh, thank you.
      Might Shooter have another?
      shootersa, Aug 2, 2021
    6. FuntimeFla
      You may indeed ! Buy another gun, drink another cocktail, smoke another cigarette , eat another chocolate chip cookie, or have anything else you like ! it is your life !
      FuntimeFla, Aug 2, 2021
      RedSquare likes this.
  11. litedeadw8t

    litedeadw8t Sex Lover

    Mar 28, 2015
    The science doesn't show it. In a lab yep. In Public. Nope. Data shows there is no link between masks and COVID-19.
    1. submissively speaking
      Um, no.

      thinskin and stumbler like this.
    2. umpire2
      umpire2, Jul 31, 2021
  12. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    Since those of us who have been vaccinated can still carry the virus and help spread it even though we are not likely to get a bad case ourselves, I am anticipating us going back to masks being mandated again anyway.
    I just hope we don't have to shut down businesses again. I don't think our economy can handle a second round of that.
    • Like Like x 3
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    2. FuntimeFla
      Their choice not yours ! However smoking where it affects others has largely been banned, smoking has been proven to harm others who have to breathe the smoke. Covid is not proven to be preventable by any means!
      FuntimeFla, Jul 31, 2021
      RedSquare likes this.
    3. submissively speaking
      Um …. what.

      Not proven to be preventable? Sweet fancy crackers. I can’t with this.
      stumbler likes this.
    4. hilltoperxyz169
      I think we all need to stop turning against each other dont you all agree with that after all we are all Americans first.
      hilltoperxyz169, Jul 31, 2021
      RedSquare likes this.
    5. FuntimeFla
      No shit you can't deal with this argument ! You have zero proof , nor does the CDC! One guy where I work got the virus, later he got the shots, then he got the virus again. He wore the masks and all that, and got it from his neice doing the BLM protesting ! Don't feel sorry , later he got the shots, now he has it again. I drive the same truck he does. The mandates are bullshit and always were, just phony shit to make everyone feel better, but going to stop a fucking thing!
      FuntimeFla, Jul 31, 2021
      RedSquare likes this.
    6. FuntimeFla
      I agree hill, but the minute you start making mandates, is the same exact minute that I decide to refuse and say Fuck You ! Twice I almost got the shot , and twice mandates have made me refuse !

      I have however said all along, If it gets me, it gets me, whether I live or die, it's survival of the fittest !
      FuntimeFla, Jul 31, 2021
      RedSquare likes this.
  13. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Well said!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    I'm not going back to those silly masks again, I plan on intensive self isolation, they'll only know me from my mailbox being emptied
    • Like Like x 2
    1. deegenerate
      As long as you are posting here, we will know you're still alive then!
      deegenerate, Jul 31, 2021
    2. deleted user 555 768
      Seriously, living alone I have that set up with friends, family on FB, make calls if...
      deleted user 555 768, Jul 31, 2021
      deegenerate likes this.
    3. FuntimeFla
      same here! I gave my boss and a couple friends keys! If I don't show up to work and don't call in 24 hours, send a search party ! Either I croaked or dropped a car on myself and can't get to a phone!
      FuntimeFla, Jul 31, 2021
    4. FuntimeFla
      So If I survive , does that mean you relinquesh the idea that I need a vaxx to survive?
      FuntimeFla, Jul 31, 2021
      RedSquare likes this.
  15. umpire2

    umpire2 Share-Man of the Board

    Dec 13, 2007
    Because they are not getting vaccinated, numbnuts
  16. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    Survival of the Fittest ! Natures way !
    1. tenguy
      But nature does not protect the stupid either.
      tenguy, Jul 31, 2021
    2. FuntimeFla
      I was always told ; God protects Fools , Drunks, and Children . I admit the second, many of you would say I'm in the first, and the 3rd is long gone! I got 2 out of 3 working on my behalf !
      FuntimeFla, Aug 2, 2021
  17. umpire2

    umpire2 Share-Man of the Board

    Dec 13, 2007
    Here am my super smart diagnoses: I make up stuff just like my super smart anti-vaccine friends and then we talk to each other and tell ourselves it is true. That am super-smart science, not like dem lying doctors and scientists who am not smart like me.
    1. FuntimeFla
      Seek help, The first stage of recovery is recognizing the fact that you have a problem!
      FuntimeFla, Jul 31, 2021
  18. Ed Itor

    Ed Itor dusted

    Jul 13, 2009
    The Chinese have been planning this for years.
    Look at old NEWS reels with all those wearing masks years before 2010.
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    2. Ed Itor
      Ed Itor, Jul 31, 2021
    3. John227
      @conroe4 wrote "<Don't think for a second I'm taking up for the chinese. They're the sorriest race on this planet.>"

      You should not ever let @Distant Lover see you write that. He admires the Chinese and other Asians!
      John227, Aug 1, 2021
    4. conroe4
      Yeah, and his reason for asian infatuation were 2 american born chinese girls that showed him some attention when he was much younger.
      Not a very good sampling of the chinese culture.
      conroe4, Aug 1, 2021
      John227 likes this.
    5. FuntimeFla
      He has a bigger infatuation with another group, but that gets enough talk without bringing it here.
      FuntimeFla, Aug 2, 2021
    6. conroe4
      Good Idea!
      conroe4, Aug 2, 2021
  19. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    • Like Like x 1
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  20. 4both

    4both Porno Junky

    Oct 16, 2019
    Studies are not to be taken out of context... In a recent study 9 out of 10 dentists recommenced Crest - that same day another study by the same team came up with 2 out of 1o recommend crest... if selling Crest would improve NBC's ratings,,, they will select to tell you all about the 9 out of 10 study, and you would not hear about the other study.,.... The CDC website is very open,, you can read things released,, unless it links to the CDC site consider it garbage. Media profits from the sale of sensationalism
    • Like Like x 2
    1. FuntimeFla
      Was there any real proof that Crest worked better than Colgate, or regular water with a brush ? It's all advertising! Advertising <--- Bullshit to convince you to buy their stuff !
      FuntimeFla, Aug 2, 2021
      RedSquare likes this.