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  1. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    Do you wish to file a complaint? Write a strongly-worded letter? Of course you do.

    File it here, please.

    I’ll go first.

    Microsoft Teams (a complaint in itself, right there) has inexplicably stopped recognizing the arrow keys on my keyboard. They work in outlook, excel, Chrome, Edge, you name it. Just not in Teams. :rage::rage::rage:
    • Empathize Empathize x 9
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    1. deegenerate
      Oh I find Teams really annoying.
      deegenerate, Dec 21, 2021
    2. Valspar
      I just spoke to Chrome and Edge...
      We're down for tag teaming you, babe.
      Valspar, Dec 21, 2021
    3. submissively speaking
      You know how to talk to me. ;)
    4. Valspar
      I try. :D
      Valspar, Dec 21, 2021
    5. 7734
      Teams is garbage...
      7734, Dec 21, 2021
  2. tiramizuzan

    tiramizuzan Porn Star

    May 8, 2021
    Just a general one….


    …don’t even get me started on computer software!
    • Funny Funny x 8
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Pulsar66

    Pulsar66 Porn Star

    May 17, 2019
    I would like to complain about the complaints thread.

    Why has there never been a complaints thread to complain in before?

    Please note that this is a very serious and earnest complaint.

    I will not take it lightly if you complain about my complaint.
    • Funny Funny x 8
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. submissively speaking
      Certainly! Please take a number.
    3. Pulsar66
      Pulsar66, Dec 21, 2021
    4. Devil's Bastard
      The spawns of hell have currently taken all the numbers between 634 and 178534. Including the 666 you threw away.
      Devil's Bastard, Dec 21, 2021
    5. DaleShine
      That's sounds like Retaliation. LOL
      DaleShine, Nov 16, 2022
    6. Erock.out
      I like to complain about the complaint on the complaint department! My complaint is that your complaint was not filed correctly.
      Erock.out, Feb 12, 2025
      submissively speaking likes this.
  4. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    No...no, no complaints....just a country boy tryin' to get along.
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. Pulsar66
      Just a ol' boy, Never meanin' no harm?
      Pulsar66, Dec 21, 2021
    2. Pulsar66
      Pulsar66, Dec 21, 2021
  5. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008

    • Like Like x 2
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  6. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    My complaint? What happend to spellcheck? I have a reputation as a condescending, arrogant, know-it-all, bitch.
    I need my spellcheck back to maintain the image I like put forth that I'm educated beyond 8th grade.
    • Funny Funny x 5
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. Geminpa
      I’m the queen of typos and spelling errors. I need spell check
      Geminpa, Dec 21, 2021
    3. crhurricane
      I need it soley for the benefit of others, I know exactly what I am saying, others usually need clearity.
      crhurricane, Dec 22, 2021
      GasparYanga, Josef.K. and speakeasy like this.
    4. Truthful 1
      Truthful 1, Jan 18, 2022
      GasparYanga and Geminpa like this.
    5. Geminpa
      Are we married then?
      Geminpa, Jan 19, 2022
      SoloKim, speakeasy and Truthful 1 like this.
    6. Truthful 1
      Yes I think so . Lol lol lol
      Truthful 1, Jan 20, 2022
      Geminpa likes this.
  7. Valspar

    Valspar porn surfer

    Feb 3, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 5
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. crhurricane
      Hey that's not for complaints, it's for dick pics!
      I'm complaining
      crhurricane, Dec 21, 2021
  8. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    • Funny Funny x 9
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. naughtyguy4u

    naughtyguy4u Traveling Vaginal Dilator Therapist

    Mar 13, 2016

    • Funny Funny x 10
  10. thestrangerinyou

    thestrangerinyou cookiemonster

    Mar 3, 2009
    Ill join in and it will also be about computer software.

    I hate when I dare do a minor sudo dnf update in fedora linux and brake all my Gnome extensions. How can I use my computer with out my tile window manager and a weather app on the corner. Savage gnome developers
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
  11. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    • Funny Funny x 8
    1. Valspar
      Is this about last weekend?
      I told you I was cold.
      Valspar, Dec 21, 2021
  12. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    [​IMG] There was a full moon last night or the night before.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  13. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    I already have a thread to complain about things that just piss me off, why would I need another. Then again, having another complaint thread might not be bad at all. I always find something to complain about, now I can spread it around in two threads ;) No complaints here
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Devil's Bastard

    Devil's Bastard In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    May 28, 2009
    I would like to complain about the quality of complaints these days. These complaints barely last a sentence. Back in the day we had complaints that could go on for pages at a time. Now those were proper complaints. Now even I can’t make a complaint more than a paragraph. Very disappointed.
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
    1. submissively speaking
      I’m sure it’s the millennials’ fault somehow.
    2. Devil's Bastard
      Well obviously. And it has something to do with avocado toast.
      Devil's Bastard, Dec 21, 2021
    3. submissively speaking
      Which is delicious, btw.
    4. crhurricane
      Why does everything end up about food? Not complaining, just hungry.
      crhurricane, Dec 21, 2021
  15. dinny

    dinny Bot sez wha?

    Mar 17, 2009
    Why did my Jeep only last 17 years? You'd think I'd driven the shit out of it! I waited in that complaint line for hours...

    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. aesopstails

    aesopstails Ridiculously Happy

    Jun 21, 2008
    When I didn’t have much money, I would bake cookies as Christmas presents. These days, with the cost of ingredients, it would be cheaper to buy everyone a gift! WTF is going on with the price of vanilla beans?
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. thestrangerinyou
      No no no cookies :(
      thestrangerinyou, Dec 21, 2021
      crhurricane likes this.
    2. crhurricane
      Them kinky beans ain't so vanilla any more.
      crhurricane, Dec 21, 2021
      Lioness likes this.
  17. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    ***spots aesopstails in back of the line and waves her to come forward, just to look at her titties closer...and to help***

    ---Vanilla comes from an orchid plant. While there are 100+ varieties of orchids, only one, the vanilla planifolia, grows vanilla beans---Orchids are finicky plants and hard to keep alive. Orchid flowers are hand-pollinated during a short flowering period---Vanilla is the most labor-intensive crop in the world which is why it's only second in price to saffron..

    Real vanilla is the only flavor regulated by U.S. law...the FDA mandates that a gallon of real vanilla extract have 13.35 ounces (378 grams) of vanilla beans in a solution of 35 percent alcohol. But 95 percent of the vanilla flavoring used in foods we eat (like vanilla ice cream) is synthetic
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. tenguy
      Keepers Ace ( I actually typed Jeepers) you’re taking this all too seriously, who gives a fuck about Vanna’s beans? She pretty hot for an old broad, those boobs still look fit.
      tenguy, Dec 21, 2021
    2. ace's n 8's
      When I watched it, she was the only reason....$10 million a year she got.
      ace's n 8's, Dec 23, 2021
    3. tenguy
      She still does. Sajak gets $15 million. Where did we go wrong, they work 48 days a year!
      tenguy, Dec 23, 2021
    4. ace's n 8's
      48 days?!!!!...damn, It's difficult for me to comprehend that style of life.
      ace's n 8's, Dec 25, 2021
  18. crhurricane

    crhurricane Altered State

    Feb 25, 2018
    I'm bored as fuck and not gonna take it. complaining does not work. I am gonna take action, in the most damaging way, I will not stop until I am completely gratified, satisfied, rectified, specified, bonafide, objectified, classified, justified, ratified, quantified, and don't for a minute think otherwise.
    Can I have a number now?
    • Funny Funny x 3
    1. dinny
      dinny, Dec 21, 2021
    2. overdoneone
      Now serving......the wrong number..
      overdoneone, Dec 22, 2021
      dinny and submissively speaking like this.
    3. crhurricane
      Tracy sings," you got my number and baby I got yours"
      crhurricane, Dec 22, 2021
      dinny and submissively speaking like this.