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    Best regards,


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  1. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    Another splendid day in paradise. Who could ask for anything more than love, health, and happiness? Everyday just keeps getting better and better, and I’m enjoying the ride ❤️
    • Like Like x 2
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    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  2. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    Gosh I❤️ this time of year. It is an absolutely beautiful day today.
    • Like Like x 3
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    I was aggravated af this afternoon for absolutely no good reason, but one GIF made it all better. :cat::p
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. Sweetpassion
      I’ve been feeling some type of way today. Bored for no reason. Not like I didn’t have plenty to do. Antsy, aggravated and annoyed. Then a gf I haven’t talked to in forever messages me out of the blue. She was all like, “ I’m done giving fucks.” I totally cracked up about that. I was like, “ feel ya gurl.” Lol
      Sweetpassion, Oct 5, 2022
      submissively speaking likes this.
    2. submissively speaking
      Musta been something in the air.

      I was totally discombobulated by someone being too handsome for their own good. Like that’s a thing that knocks me off my game now? Wtf? :laugh:
      Sweetpassion likes this.
    3. Sweetpassion
      Nope, not a thing! :p:cool::p Can’t knock you off your game. ;)
      Sweetpassion, Oct 5, 2022
      submissively speaking likes this.
  4. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    Long. Long and painful, watching the minutes tick by.

    But it started off funny and maintained a positive vibe, so I’m happy with it. :)
    • Like Like x 1
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  5. Volt_4

    Volt_4 ~Tansi ~

    Mar 28, 2020
    Had a good day. No complaints.
    • Like Like x 1
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  6. DiabloGolfer

    DiabloGolfer Porn Star

    Jun 21, 2012
    I've felt better after running a 10K, with a backpack.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. View previous comments...
    2. DiabloGolfer
      It was tiring. We have a key employee leaving and I've been asked to take over 2 high level accounts AND do my job. One is a State account, so naturally like an idiot - I said yes. Anything to help the cause. And 2 hours later, 1 of my crew decided to have a brain fart and just go off on me (after I gave him 1 day PTO, so he could save up his vacation time). I'm not saying it was a bad day - but there wasn't much to celebrate other than it's Friday and I'm off Monday. That's about it.
      DiabloGolfer, Oct 8, 2022
      submissively speaking likes this.
    3. submissively speaking
      That does sound tiring. :(

      Can you ask what you should be putting down while you pick up the additional workload?

      Also it sucks when people don’t appreciate you.
  7. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    Was a busy, busy day. Stella got her staples removed, I ran errands, just a slow steady burn all day long.

    It’s tubby time. :)
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  8. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    My Day was so awesome I can’t believe it .
    1. submissively speaking
      Oh yeah? What happened?
  9. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    Despite getting next to none sleep it was a pretty good day, ngl. :)

    Got a bunch done at work, had some fun in the kitchen, got the fire going, trying to decide if I’m snug as a bug here (I am) or I’m needing to go soak (I do). It’s a nice problem to have. :cat::shamefullyembarrased:

    Happy Thanksgiving, all. ❤️
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Ncgremlin

    Ncgremlin Always Horny

    Jul 5, 2021
    Today was okay. Had to work but was fine.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Wazzaox

    Wazzaox horny

    Mar 7, 2018
    Daughter sent this, not a bad view for a booze up 683F251E-60D7-4BDF-BC8D-724CF23FF1FC.jpeg
    • Like Like x 1
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  12. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    I woke up with a rain headache. :(

    Hoping today gets a little more pleasant.
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
  13. TabuArtist

    TabuArtist Porn Star

    May 29, 2016
    I truly hope not only does your headache go away but that you have a great day today. As for me, I'll be working literally in the rain here.
    1. submissively speaking

      Working in the rain doesn’t sound like a lot of fun. :(
  14. SoutheastUSofA

    SoutheastUSofA Adorably adorable

    May 20, 2019
    Super shitty.

    Just kidding. It's fine. I don't usually have too many bad days.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. TabuArtist

    TabuArtist Porn Star

    May 29, 2016
    Especially when you delivery drive. So yeah.
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
  16. deleted user 22123213

    deleted user 22123213 Sinfully Classy

    Oct 5, 2020
    Kind of nerve wrecking finding out if I miss one more day of work for anything , because of the point system , I lose my job of almost 16 years … but on the positive side , I’ll just draw unemployment .. talk about stressful news :(
    • Empathize Empathize x 5
    1. SoutheastUSofA
      Yikes. That seems a bit harsh.
      SoutheastUSofA, Oct 13, 2022
    2. deleted user 22123213
      I apparently used up all my FMLA days for when hubs was sick , but was informed that I couldn’t get it on me now .. but I can’t let it stress me out .. whatever happens , happens
    3. submissively speaking
      That's a time-limited thing, I hope.
      deleted user 22123213 likes this.
    4. deleted user 22123213
      @submissively speaking .. I started FMLA in Jan of this year .. so I have to wait until next Jan .. but my points don’t start over until late Feb .. so my time is limited anyway !!
      submissively speaking likes this.
    5. submissively speaking
      That’s both ridiculous and miserable and I hate the pressure that puts on you.
      deleted user 22123213 likes this.
  17. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    I had a good, productive day today. Slept in, lazed for a bit, then got my tushy in gear and did yard work. Got to play with my chainsaw which is always fun, and the weather was just stunning. Burned some stuff, always fun. Came in, made some popcorn, watched some of the new LOTR series, also enjoyable.

    A++++ Sunday, would do again.
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Prowler86

    Prowler86 Porn Star

    Jun 10, 2009
    It was okay, enjoyed the sun before it goes away.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    I woke up this morning with one hell of a stiffy. It was so stiff and hard you could’ve cut a diamond on it. Then I went and took my morning piss and started singing this song.

    My nookie days are over-
    my pilot light is out,
    what used to be my sex appeal-
    is now my water spout.

    Time was when of its own record-
    from my trousers it would spring,
    but now I've got a full time job-
    to find the blasted thing.

    It used to be embarrassing-
    the way it would behave,
    for every single morning-
    it would stand and watch me shave.

    As my old age approaches-
    it sure gives me the blues,
    to see it hang its little head,
    and watch me tie my shoes!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. aesopstails

    aesopstails Ridiculously Happy

    Jun 21, 2008
    Gleeful! Hoping for more of the same today, but so far I can’t seem to make it out from under this cozy quilt. Brrrr!
    • Winner Winner x 1
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