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  1. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    It’s so easy to focus on the bad stuff, but every day I try to think of one thing I’m grateful for. Things could always be worse, and are for so many people. This helps me keep perspective.

    What are you thankful for today?
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    1. kevinio mccartyhlar
      my daughter
      kevinio mccartyhlar, Oct 2, 2023
      Generl1985 likes this.
  2. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    I’m so thankful I have people I trust completely. I think that’s pretty rare and I feel blessed ❤️
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    1. camp lajune
      People love me, which is odd because I hate myself. But I am glad I bring happiness into peoples lives.
      camp lajune, Feb 20, 2024
      CourtChron likes this.
  3. noboat

    noboat Porn Star

    Aug 12, 2009
    I'm above ground
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    1. dogmomma2
      Any day above ground is a GREAT day!
      dogmomma2, Sep 4, 2023
  4. Triangle_7

    Triangle_7 Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2023
    Whilst I am not massively rich, I do live in a very nice country. Clean streets, low crime, great views.
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  5. hornybigguy68

    hornybigguy68 Porn Star

    Dec 15, 2020
    Have a lot of things to be thankful for:

    1. Having friends, family members and ex coworkers that keep in touch. It can be a lonely road when you don’t have any of that.

    2. This site. It has allowed to experience things never felt and do things never done. Additionally go to meet someone I never met before.

    2. Being employed. While I don’t like my job it does suck even worse being unemployed.

    3. Music and specifically one band. They have got me through tough times and I’m still listening to them 19 years later.


    4. Dog. She has allowed me to have someone when times are lonely.

    These are just a few from over the past few years.
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  6. WantSumCandyLittleGirl

    WantSumCandyLittleGirl Candyman

    Apr 25, 2010
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  7. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Well, Shooters back doesn't hurt too badly today.
    And his vertigo is pretty much non existent.

    He does have that going for him........
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    1. dinny
      dinny, Sep 5, 2023
  8. mstrman

    mstrman Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2020
    i agree.gif
    With my lungs, that's makes me happy.
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  9. TarlCabot666

    TarlCabot666 Dark Lord of the Slit

    Aug 4, 2019
    It's very simple. I wake up in the morning and whisper, "Thank you." It's directed to anyone or anything that happens to listen that allowed me to live another day.
    Anything and everything that happens after that, good, bad or indifferent is an experience I wouldn't have if I wasn't given the gift I got that morning.

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    1. View previous comments...
    2. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      I’m not terrified of it. Just terrified I’m not ready for it.
      Cherrypop likes this.
    3. Cherrypop
      My mom had cancer for the third time and decided not to treat it and just let go. I never understood it. I know she wanted quality of life at the end, I get it, but it is something I can’t imagine doing myself. I hope I never have to experience it.
      Cherrypop, Sep 5, 2023
    4. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      I understand, @Cherrypop - had a similar situation (abdominal aneurysm) with my mom. Now I’m closer to her age and am beginning to understand her decision not to have the surgery.

      With age comes enlightenment.
      Cherrypop likes this.
    5. alwayshornyforsex
      Cherrypop, I get where your Mother was coming from. I 've been diagnosed with cancer almost 4 years ago. I underwent a 14 operation, Really screw me up. 80 rounds of radiation, months of therapy, 6 months of speech therapy. I don't know if would do it again.
      alwayshornyforsex, May 5, 2024
    6. steve_vme
      I am not afraid to die. I'm in so much pain it would be a welcome relief.
      steve_vme, Nov 30, 2024
  10. Luv2LiqU

    Luv2LiqU Devilishly Wicked Lix

    Apr 4, 2018
    I'm the luckiest guy in the world! I have the love of a beautiful woman who is my confidant and lover!!❤️ Did I mention sexy? OMG she is SEXY!!!
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    1. Cherrypop
      I think she’s probably the lucky one ☺️
      Cherrypop, Sep 6, 2023
      Luv2LiqU likes this.
  11. thestrangerinyou

    thestrangerinyou cookiemonster

    Mar 3, 2009
    Thankfully for my new puppy

    Resized_20230823_121803.jpeg 20230822_144722.jpg 20230822_144715.jpg
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    1. submissively speaking
      OMG that faaaaaaaaaace ❤️
      Horny hiy likes this.
    2. Cherrypop
      Congrats!! Sooooooo cute!!!’ What’s his/her name?
      Cherrypop, Sep 5, 2023
      Horny hiy likes this.
    3. Luv2LiqU
      Awwww what a cutie!
      Luv2LiqU, Sep 5, 2023
      Cherrypop likes this.
    4. shootersa
      shootersa, Sep 6, 2023
      CourtChron and Cherrypop like this.
    5. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      You know, dogs loovvveeee cookies.
  12. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    I’m thankful I have a job. I don’t love it but it’s a good job and I’m good at it.
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  13. Horny hiy

    Horny hiy Porn Star

    Mar 29, 2022
    i am thankful for all the nice people in the world.
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  14. Luv2LiqU

    Luv2LiqU Devilishly Wicked Lix

    Apr 4, 2018
    I'm thankful that I can figure complicated audio things out when Prof. Google just isn't all that helpful. :banghead:
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  15. Wonderingeyes

    Wonderingeyes Porn Star

    Oct 20, 2022
    My birthday was yesterday and I’m grateful that I made it another year. I’m not old mind you but every year I hear about more people my age dying.
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    2. Wonderingeyes
      Thank you
      Wonderingeyes, Sep 6, 2023
  16. Horny hiy

    Horny hiy Porn Star

    Mar 29, 2022
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  17. Bi_Kinky_Bryan

    Bi_Kinky_Bryan Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2018
    Small things make my day. Yesterday I cut and installed a small shelf on my boat. Unexpectedly, it fit the FIRST TIME and went in with no issues. I thought it would be a four hour job of sanding a fitting to make it work!
    • Like Like x 4
  18. crhurricane

    crhurricane Altered State

    Feb 25, 2018
    I am thankful for having a choice, to see two, or more, sides of a story, situation, experience, and decide for myself which, which part of, or mix of both, is more real, fact, or what to believe, and do so without concern of offending. If someone is offended, it just reinforces that their view is wrong, if it were right why would they be offended by what someone else thought ?
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    1. submissively speaking
      Just spitballing here, but in response to your question as to why someone might be offended by your decision on what the 'facts' are or what is more 'real' - because your decision may utterly invalidate their existence or their reality.

      It's got nothing to do with choosing to be offended, it's got to do with your decision (and any behaviour that flows from your decision) ultimately becoming a threat.
    2. crhurricane
      That would be true, if it is my beliefs, but some one ignorant of a fact, and offended, I will not cater to their ignorance. I don't demand my beliefs to be taken as facts. I don't accept a persons beliefs to change what I know as fact.
      The real problem between the two is the source of a belief, what one person deems creditable, is not always so. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, hear it with your own ears, you are baseing your belief on what you are told, or read. The same is the truth for me. I tell people believe what you choose, as I will.
      If I know for fact, what I claim true, I don't need anyone to believe me.
      If some one is threaten or invalidated, on their belief, that I am wrong, it will never be my responsibility to cater to their beliefs or educate them. That is a misconception of culture if some one thinks other wise.
      crhurricane, Sep 6, 2023
      submissively speaking likes this.
    3. submissively speaking
      Some belief systems are predicated on the destruction of others, is what I'm saying. They've right to be offended. Not that I'm saying I think you hold one of those, per se.

      But this is supposed to be feel-good, so I'll drop it.
      redscissor2023 likes this.
    4. crhurricane
      Fair enough, a person has right to be offended, racism, comes to mind first, bad manners is also offensive. Is one something that deserves more reaction or action, than the other?
      Logic is not an even plane, as much as it should be.
      You are right about it is a feel good thread. It is always better to hear the positive. As much as we are all different on numerous levels, it will never be a perfect world, best any one of us can do, is be the better person.
      crhurricane, Sep 6, 2023
      submissively speaking likes this.
  19. WantSumCandyLittleGirl

    WantSumCandyLittleGirl Candyman

    Apr 25, 2010
    For waking up this morning.
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  20. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    An awful lot...
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