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  1. ridgerunner

    ridgerunner gardener of stone

    Jun 13, 2012
    The different funds are for all areas but a few are just Houston
    Jj watts fund is almost 10million and so far help has been fast and good

    I just thought it was funny and had to show it
  2. Lioness

    Lioness A Fun Flirty Frisky Friendly Felion

    Jan 31, 2007
    I haven't checked the whole thread, but today I heard a report on NPR that landlords/financial institutions are insisting upon their rent/mortgages being paid from people who have just experienced this 1000 year flood. Texas law states that payment can be expected if a place is even semi-habitable...talk about adding insult to injury.

    Yesterday, the Governor of NC proclaimed a State of Emergency for the whole state because of a gas shortage...the prices have also gone up...the devastation is not over yet.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. ridgerunner
      legally the tennant can take the rent payment and put it into a trust until repairs are made and the home is livable because any court would see that there is no refusal to pay rent but they must ensure that the repairs are completed in a timely manner and correctly
      ridgerunner, Sep 2, 2017
      stumbler likes this.
    2. Lioness
      The report didn't include that fact...
      Lioness, Sep 3, 2017
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    It is pretty sad down there and as always is hitting the poor the hardest. For one the housing they can afford is in the flood plains. They didn't have the resources to evacuate and if they couldn't afford to get out of there they probably don't have the money to rebuild. And from what I am reading an awful lot of people don't have flood insurance.

    Also the chemical plant in Crosby blew up and caught fire again last night and the company won't even tell the public what chemicals they have there and what hazards they pose.

    PS Also beware of any maps you see predicting Hurricane Irma is going to hit the US. Some assholes are posting fake maps just to fuck with people. Don't trust anyone except the National Hurricane Center or the National Weather Service and know they are not going to predict landfall more than a week out.
    1. ridgerunner
      i have already listed the chemicals they are allowed to have and what they reported on site when the flooding happened
      it was mostly peroxide but also plastics and paint bases

      for the housing many of those that flooded were in the higher priced areas as well as the lower priced ones
      a former mayors home flooded, this time the water didnt just effect the lower areas it went into even higher ones just because there was so much of it and nowhere for it to go
      ridgerunner, Sep 3, 2017
  4. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    well Harvey is in New York now....
  5. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Ohio didn't get much at all, the northern cold front kept it at bay, we got some rain, but nothing like what it could have been, I think we got about an inch or less.
  6. CharlottesWebb

    CharlottesWebb Sex Lover Banned!

    Jul 20, 2016
    I wish all of those in need the best during this trying time. Canada is sending military aircraft filled with emergency food and clothing supplies as well as medical needs.

    There is a Canadian company that has made available it's app to volunteers and first responders to stay in contact with one another and have immediate access to urgent info on missing persons. It is normally used at festivals but will go live in Houston tomorrow and they are offering it for free to those there but there will be those here that are more interesting in trolling my post and lose focus that people are in need right now, not rhetoric.
    • Like Like x 3
  7. justpassingthru

    justpassingthru No Rest For The Wicked Banned!

    Jun 11, 2011
    It is no secret that I like animals far more than humans and donated big time to another cause on this topic and have instructed my accountant to send these people 10K for their cause ...

    'We keep on going back out there': The race to save Houston's abandoned pets
    With floods threatening shelters, help is coming from as far away as Canada.

    Behind some buildings in Rockport, Texas, close enough to a main road that you can still hear the traffic, are two dogs in a cage.

    Last Friday night, a Category 4 hurricane swept through this city. It looks as though these dogs have been here ever since.

    Someone dumped some dog food in the cage and filled two buckets with water. There's urine and feces everywhere. The medium-sized brown dog nibbles on some food that has mixed with its own excrement, ground in by its paws. There they wait for their owners' return.

    Those leading the rescue efforts say there's no way of knowing how many pets are lost, abandoned or dead following Hurricane Harvey.

    A volunteer with San Antonio Pets Alive! carries a dog rescued from Houston. The dog is bound for a shelter in Spokane, Wash. (Kim Brunhuber/CBC)

    Sometimes pet owners come back, but often they don't, or can't.

    That's why a group of volunteers in San Antonio was packing up Thursday and getting ready to board a bus headed 320 kilometres east to Houston, much of which remains under water.

    Mission to pick up stray animals
    In the back were 70 cages, ready to receive the animals that had been rescued by animal welfare workers in Houston who now need rescuing themselves.

    "The water has risen and they're having to close their doors," says Maureen O'Nell, executive director of San Antonio Pets Alive! "The animals that they were protecting before the storm hit are now without any home at all."

    Now, a tiny shelter in San Antonio will be their temporary home.

    Pets Alive! is overflowing with animals. The room is loud and smells terrible, but it's much better than where they were rescued from.

    San Antonio Pets Alive! is located at the back of a suburban mini-mall, next to a Zumba studio.

    Inside, the sound of barking is deafening and the smell of dog excrement is overpowering. The small cages vibrate with agitated dogs. Tails protrude from the bars.

    The shelter wasn't built to accommodate so many animals, but shelter staff do what they can with what they have. For these dogs, crammed is better than wet, or worse.

    The shelter is staffed by only three people, but dozens of volunteers have answered the call.

    Many of the rescued animals were already abandoned before Hurricane Harvey hit southern Texas. (Kim Brunhuber/CBC)

    Chantal Gabaldon of the U.S. Coast Guard saves humans during the day, and fosters Houston pets like Midnight on her own time.

    "I feel it's the least I can do, to get them off to good homes," she says.

    Volunteers walk dogs at crowded shelter
    Outside, all across the mall's green islands, dogs were being walked, straining on their leashes. One volunteer tried to get a small brown dog to go back in its cage.

    "She's scared," she says. "She doesn't want to go in or out."

    Nicole Neemia decided to volunteer after the hurricane hit. She says if she can't be 'down in the water in a boat rescuing dogs,' this is the next best thing. (Kim Brunhuber/CBC)

    In a corner of the shelter, sitting on the ground, volunteer Nicole Neemia stroked the head of a rescued pit pull.

    "It breaks our heart," she says. "If it was up to me, we'd be down in the water in a boat rescuing dogs."

    She already has three dogs; adopting more, she says, is out of the question. So she and her husband volunteer instead.

    Behind the shelter, a volunteer sat in the grass, scratching the belly of a tiny dog named Lady. Finally, a wag. The first, he says, since Lady arrived from Houston.

    Finally, lying in the grass, being patiently scratched, Lady wags her tail for what a volunteer says was the first time since she'd been rescued. (Kim Brunhuber/CBC)

    After what they've been through, O'Nell says, half of the rescued pets are suffering from stress illnesses.

    "These are not animals that can fend for themselves very often. And when that attachment gets broken it can break their heart," she says. "They need their families, they need their packs, they need their people to take care of them."

    A judgment call on abandoned pets
    And what of abandoned pets like the two caged dogs in Rockport? Should passersby assume their owners will come back eventually, or should they let them out?

    "It's always a judgment call and that's part of a natural disaster," O'Nell says. "It would be no different than if it were an elderly person or a child who cannot fend for themselves. There's no hard-and-fast rule other than follow your heart and your common sense."

    San Antonio has taken in more than a 1,000 evacuees from badly hit areas, and is expecting more, including many pets.

    Those leading the rescue effort learned some important lessons from Hurricane Katrina back in 2005.

    "During Katrina, families were not allowed to stay with their pets," O'Nell says. "We have evolved. I can't say enough good things about our mayor who has made sure that our human shelters have allowed pets to come in."

    And soon, help will be arriving from north of the border.

    Nicole Simone, founder of Toronto-based Redemption Dogs, says she and some volunteers will drive to Houston with pet supplies, and return with abandoned dogs in need of homes. (Mehrdad Nazarahari/CBC)

    Redemption Dogs, a pet advocacy organization based in Toronto, has raised $12,000 to fund a rescue mission.

    Next week, they will be taking two vans full of supplies to Houston and returning with up to two dozen dogs. Founder Nicole Simone is trying to recruit volunteers to help drive the dogs across the border, and then she hopes Canadians will open their homes.

    "People can apply to foster [Hurricane] Harvey dogs with Black Dog Rescue, Canine Haven, Safe Home Rescue, so that when the dogs arrive they'll go into foster care," she says.

    Getting pets out of the danger zone
    Texas animal welfare advocates say they need all the help they can get.

    The Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care in Houston estimates there were approximately 300,000 stray dogs in the city before the hurricane hit. That's why organizations like San Antonio Pets Alive! are heading back to Houston for more dogs.

    "And we keep on going back out there to get the flow away from the danger area," O'Nell says.

    As Sylvia Johnson cleaned yet another dirty cage and replaced its pee pad, she acknowledged the accommodations for these pets aren't ideal. But, she says, "We're doing the best we can."

    Some of the dogs are physically injured, but most are psychologically harmed by the stress. (Kim Brunhuber/CBC)

    This is just a way station. Soon these dogs will be on the move again.

    An hour later, a truck pulled up out back. The dogs were loaded, some of them reluctantly, into cages. They were about to begin a 52-hour journey to a spacious shelter in Spokane, Wash., where they'll be put up for adoption.

    But there's a problem.

    "Gas stations are running out of fuel," Clare Callison says while printing ID placards for the dogs' crates. "Is there anybody that owns a gas station that we know of?"

    With so many relief vehicles on the road to Houston, there's a shortage of diesel.

    So Pets Alive! will keep going back to Houston for more dogs until they run out of fuel.
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Yes Houston you have several problems.

    ‘Never seen numbers this large’: Houston floodwater is filled with heavy metals and harmful bacteria

    1. Jdbfromnj
      The Comedy News Network is still kicking huh? I thought they'd bough out after losing to Sponge Bob.
      Jdbfromnj, Sep 4, 2017
    2. ridgerunner
      ridgerunner, Sep 4, 2017
  9. Jdbfromnj

    Jdbfromnj Porn Star

    May 10, 2017
    Since some questioned the genuineness of Trump's pledge of 1 million dollars to Harvey victims. The breakdown of this donation was released today based on MSM recommendations.

    Salvation Army $300,000
    Red Cross $300,000
    Reach Out America $100,000
    Samaritans Purse $100,000
    ASPCA 25,000
    Catholic Charities $25,000
    Direct Relief $25,000
    Habitat for Humanity $$25,00
    Houston Humane Society $25,000
    Operation Blessing $25,000
    Portlight Inclusive Disaster Strategies $25,000
    Team Rubicon $25,000
    1. shootersa
      Be interesting to see if Stumbler apologizes for his nasty spew about Trump never actually donating.
      Not that he will. Shooter predicts if he says anything it will be to criticize who got the money from Trump.
      shootersa, Sep 7, 2017
  10. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    According to donnie he's worth 10 billion dollars.........and he donates one million. Pffft. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
    • Like Like x 2
    1. Jdbfromnj
      I'm sure the folks in Houston appreciate it.
      Jdbfromnj, Sep 7, 2017
  11. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008

    Jerry Jones is worth billions and he gave one million----

    one million is a respectable number for it not being his home state----
    and he did get the 8 billion needed to start off the help in houston----unless Ryan screws it up somehow....
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Houston has lots of problems. But the two most pressing now is the EPA has still not inspected the Super Fund Sites where literal tons of toxic chemicals have escaped or the refineries and chemical plants that are also spewing pollution. And the other is the massive increase in insects, especially misquotes, that are getting ready to hatch in all that water.
    1. shootersa
      Stumbler actually said misquotes????!?!??!

      shootersa, Sep 7, 2017
  13. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    Them fucking misquotes are deadly sumbitches.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2017
    1. Jdbfromnj
      Do they have a spray repellent for that? :joyful:
      Jdbfromnj, Sep 7, 2017
    2. conroe4
      Apparently not...we get lots of misquotes here. LOL ;)
      conroe4, Sep 7, 2017
    3. RandyKnight
      RandyKnight, Sep 7, 2017
    4. conroe4
      Yep, used to ride our bikes behind that. It explains a lot...
      conroe4, Sep 7, 2017
  14. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    Hasn't donnie slashed the EPA's funding?
  15. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    On the other hand, Distant Lover suspects that he has no net assets at all, and is badly in debt to Russia and China.
  16. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    That has to be right, because everyone that's deep in debt donates their salary and a million dollars here and there. Makes perfect sense.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. conroe4
      conroe4, Sep 7, 2017
  17. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    Donates his 400K salary with one hand then graps 2 million and change for his family business from the taxpayers every time he plays golf.....it must be close to 40 times now that he's taken time off that he promised in the election campaign he was never going to do.

    Yep, a conman up there with the best of them.
  18. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    So he's put 80 million in his pocket just by playing golf. I mean, HOW CAN YOU ARGUE WITH THAT?
  19. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008

    no---there has not been a budget passed....

    we are working on Obama's plan.....
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    No that is just a list of groups and amounts Trump says he is donating. I have seen no confirmation yet those groups have actually received the money yet and won't believe it until I do. Because Trump has a long history of pledging to make donations that he never actually makes until someone calls attention to it.,

    The EPA is seriously understaffed, hobbled, and most their scientists have quit or got fired because Trump's pick to head the EPA wants to cripple it and get rid of it all together because he is a climate change denier and the greatest friend the oil and chemical companies have ever had. He will gladly kill people to protect them and their profits.
    1. Jdbfromnj
      Once I get copies of the cancelled checks, I'll be sure to post them.
      Jdbfromnj, Sep 8, 2017