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    One more important message - Do not answer to people pretending to be from xnxx team or a member of the staff. If the email is not from forum@xnxx.com or the message on the forum is not from StanleyOG it's not an admin or member of the staff. Please be carefull who you give your information to.

    Best regards,


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    You can now get verified on forum.

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Last Activity:
Mar 2, 2025
Apr 16, 2009
Likes Received:
August 11
Deep South, USA


Tale teller, from Deep South, USA

After a couple of years, I decided to drop a new story or two over at sexstories. Nothing special, just quick reads. Oct 8, 2022

BiStander was last seen:
Mar 2, 2025
    1. Jackie_Slut
      Thank you for all the likes sweetie! Kisses
      1. BiStander likes this.
    2. BiStander
      If you need chapter 6 of Potential or want to know where chapters 1 & 3 of My Neighbor's Incest went, read this:
      1. BiStander
        Chapter 6 is on Nifty and 1 & 3 will be there soon because they were pulled down, I guess. PM me if you want them PM'ed to you. Oh, and that isn't my ass. Circle with up arrow means male.
        Aug 21, 2016
    3. BiStander
      If you need chapter 6 of Potential or want to know where chapters 1 & 3 of My Neighbor's Incest went, read this:
    4. Alexis_xx
      Nice ass, nice stories ;* x
      1. BiStander
        Thanks on the stories, and the ass even though it's not my ass.
        Aug 21, 2016
    5. lonestarbud1995
    6. Clitsucker
      Hi love your stories
      May I please have the missing no6
      I have a great wank and then hold back so I don't cum
      You keep me hanging out for ages before I unload
      Thanks again
    7. mishell
      Hi......Thank you for your likes.
      1. BiStander likes this.
      2. BiStander
        Thank you for making me feel good.
        Aug 13, 2016
    8. timg518
      can you please pm me with Potential part 6!!!
    9. terdon
      Just thought I'd add my appreciation of your "My Neighbors Incest" story, I've read it quite a few times and always thought it came to a rather abrupt end. I wouldn't mind seeing it continue on a little bit further to include the birth of Chris's baby and how things settle after that event. Can you also let me know where else you're posting stories if possible.
    10. Martini96
      Much appreciated your PM with Potential Part 6. Thanks again.
      1. timg518 likes this.
    11. Fo fo
      Fo fo
      Can u send me chapter 6
      1. timg518 likes this.
    12. Martini96
      Please send Potential Part 6 if you can. Many thanks in advance
      1. timg518 likes this.
    13. BiStander
      Please PM rather than posting here. I want this message to stay up for awhile.
    14. Pedoteen
      Van I get potential part 6 and 9 in a pm
      1. timg518 likes this.
    15. Dutchmaster_kinght
      Hey I know u don't know me but I Goddamn your potential series is great and just wanna know in your good will can you send chapter 6 to my Pm I try wolf and nifty but don't know where the hell to go too smh keep up great story love it
    16. Evancraig2
      How do I see chapter 6?
    17. BiStander
      Internet Problems so please be patient on chapter 10 of Potential.
    18. Joy_Div
      I was in the middle of reading your 'Potential' series when I noticed it skips from 5 to 7 I believe ,is there any chance you could forward me chapter 6 of the series ,it would be much appreciated ,love the characters in the story and the way you build up to the epicentre of the plot is very well done.
    19. CR21
      thanks for the follow!
    20. DSGIRLSD
      I Read you 'Potential' series end to end last night. A lot of characters to keep track of! I can appreciate the work that went into this series, as I too tend to write long stories with a lot of character development. Thanks for the fine story . . . not sure if there is more to come or not? If you get a chance read my 'Long Weekend at the Lake' and give me your critique. Thanks again. DSGIRLSD
      1. harsh34 likes this.
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  • About

    August 11
    Deep South, USA
    Sexual Orientation:
    My Stories: I like to mix truth and fantasy. Some times it's someone else's truth.

    I'll try anything good. Things I like, I'll do them do death.
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