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  1. xxxeccentric

    xxxeccentric Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2021
    I did not get to see the film that these stills came from until several years after her grad film class at Purdue.
    Giving you these pics, since the student fucking my wife made impressive changes.

    Before After Student.jpg
    • Winner Winner x 2
  2. xxxeccentric

    xxxeccentric Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2021
    Same wife as above.

    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  3. mortalrakiey

    mortalrakiey Newcumer

    Jul 15, 2018
    Would you happen to what the story of the film was? it's always fun to know the narrative that leads to the sex scene
  4. xxxeccentric

    xxxeccentric Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2021
    The professor of the class at Purdue was a wild man on sabbatical from the University of Southern California at Santa Cruz. He came to Purdue to push the buttons of a few grad students and then go back to CA.
    His assignment was Erotica in the movies. My wife stressed a different assignment about stop action filming for her own project, and it was from another topic in the assignment list. At least one male, John, had picked the erotica. His little screenplay involved the new sexual freedoms for females. It involved five different experiences with five different males, in rapid succession, all working on satisfying the singular female.
    When my wife showed up for class, she looked and dressed like this, as this was standard attire of the time:
    Standard Mini.jpg

    The movie was supposed to be an R rated movie that showed that same woman being repeatedly serviced. When John and others saw the above show up to class, he immediately knew who he wanted as the star of the project. He explained the project to my wife, made it sound sweet and artsy, and she said she would be glad to help. I only remember her saying that she was going to help a fellow student with his project. Well by the time the actual filming happened, this is the way that it went:
