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  1. wantsomefun

    wantsomefun Storyteller and Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Dec 11, 2014
    So write TWO entries.
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Simplistically Conflicted

    Simplistically Conflicted Porno Junky

    May 20, 2015
    I think i might attempt this epic endeavor.
    • Like Like x 4
    1. 1 Toy Maker
      Good going
      1 Toy Maker, Dec 14, 2015
  3. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    Good luck... while I have participated in the past I have too many other projects right now...
  4. Redlust

    Redlust Porn Star

    Oct 25, 2009
    I take a break and come back to check and I've already lost a week and a half writing time.

    At least it's a long writing period. I might just jump back into this... I've skipped quite a few of the last ones. Need to go through my old movies. And new movies. And other people's movies. Something might inspire me
    • Like Like x 5
  5. CAW SOP

    CAW SOP Sex Machine

    Apr 30, 2012
    • Like Like x 2
  6. 1 Toy Maker

    1 Toy Maker Kuns og Kram Smukke Love once found never lost

    Sep 17, 2013
    Okay, there I wrote something.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. CAW SOP

    CAW SOP Sex Machine

    Apr 30, 2012
  8. tonybs

    tonybs Porn Star

    Jun 22, 2015
    I had an idea, but I'm not going to use it for the CAW. Maybe after, if no one else does. In the movie of "The Martian" lots of things were left out compared to the book. One was the relationship between Johanssen and Beck. It got reduced to one kiss on a helmet faceplate. In the book the commander turns a blind eye to their activities.

    That would make a good story. Sex on the Hermes, including the zero g parts. Or what they got up to in the HAB on Mars, and what they did with the lingerie which was in her crate of effects.

    Now I've got to wait it for the movie to be available for download (12/22) so I can check that. I'll also have to work out what's Beck's character, I didn't take much notice of his character. Unlike hot nerdy computer babe Johanssen.
    • Like Like x 2
  9. wantsomefun

    wantsomefun Storyteller and Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Dec 11, 2014
    There may be more than one story based on the same movie. That could be interesting. I have a non-entry in the works myself. It's based on the 1942 film classic Casablanca, starring Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, and Paul Henreid. Since it's a well-known film, I won't be surprised if someone else writes a story based on it.


    The movie itself is the backdrop for my story, the last scene of the film ending as my narrative begins. There are some references throughout my text to scenes and lines from the movie, but the movie isn't the main focus of the story. I didn't re-write the script or update the story line to present day, nor did I use the same characters in a different setting, but I think I met my own challenge. My story is far from finished, but if I do it right, I could later easily re-write it with no references to any film and still have it make sense.

    That's what I mean when I talk about adapting your idea to a film. You COULD start with the story you feel like writing, find a movie that works with it, and write enough references into your entry to make it fit the CAW theme. I'm trying to write an entertaining story, and hopefully when it's done it could stand on its own without the movie.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. pars001

    pars001 #1. Knight Writer

    Jan 26, 2014
    ok finished mine gonna let it stew for once as I think it truly sucks *sigh* we'll see wrote another I thought sucked and so far it has turned out to be the best I have ever written so.... who knows!?
    • Like Like x 1
    1. tonybs
      Could you be more specific. You say everything you write sucks. (Which is that best one?)
      tonybs, Dec 17, 2015
    2. pars001
      1. I have NEVER said that everything I wrote sucks
      2. I wrote a current story I have on the story side (Lost Empire) by hand in the hospital (well the first 2 chapters) and I thought it sucked badly as I thought I had over thought the whole story damn who knew? lol I have gotten more comments about it than ANY story I have ever done. With it I actually slowed down and Wrote it still fast yes but this time I actually thought more about what I was writing instead of just getting out of my head. Again who knew? I am doing that with this story, again I had divine intervention to get started I tend to over compliment things (ask wants) lol
      pars001, Dec 17, 2015
    3. wantsomefun
      I thought you couldn't come up with an idea for this thing?

      Letting your story steep for a while may be a good thing. Reading it with a fresh eye may show you things to improve. Also, you have plenty of time to get a proofreader to go over it. This isn't English Composition class, but any errors a writer can remove may improve his chances in the competition.

      I'm REALLY glad you got through your writer's block.
      wantsomefun, Dec 17, 2015
  11. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Personally I have never competed in any of these in that when I feel like writing something I do, and if not I don't....Also I tend to be a little too long winded. However I went ahead and pounded something out in roughly 30 hours and after re-reading it and trying to do some editing the best I can might have 50 into it and that will be about it.

    The trouble being, waiting a month to turn it in. Not sure I have the willpower to not just go ahead and post it.

    Hush....an alias
    • Like Like x 4
    1. pars001
      OMFG! I just re-read page 1!!! You're so right! 31 more days! The many who love to read these competitions might have withdraw WANTS! *sigh* we all know that wants can be an evil bastard at times, he won't relent and let us post earlier, go ahead Wantsomefun laugh evilly for us.
      pars001, Dec 17, 2015
      Hush and wantsomefun like this.
    2. wantsomefun
      wantsomefun, Dec 17, 2015
      Hush likes this.
    3. 1 Toy Maker
      Can't wait to read it.
      1 Toy Maker, Dec 17, 2015
      Hush and wantsomefun like this.
  12. wantsomefun

    wantsomefun Storyteller and Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Dec 11, 2014

    This is my reaction to a Hush story! I'm thrilled the theme inspired you to write!

    The whole point of waiting is to allow everyone time to write, since many of us celebrate some kind of winter holiday with families and have trouble focusing on the important stuff, like writing erotic fiction for an amateur competition. :rolleyes:

    Please wait to submit and let your story be part of the CAW. We need good entries, and I've seen your writing before. It would be a welcome addition to the field.

    Maybe you could write a second story, since there's so much time. Hmm?
    • Like Like x 3
  13. 1 Toy Maker

    1 Toy Maker Kuns og Kram Smukke Love once found never lost

    Sep 17, 2013
    I'm up to three lines.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. wantsomefun

    wantsomefun Storyteller and Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Dec 11, 2014
    It's a start. You still have a month, so let's go!

    • Like Like x 1
    1. 1 Toy Maker
      Slightly uninspired
      1 Toy Maker, Dec 17, 2015
  15. wantsomefun

    wantsomefun Storyteller and Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Dec 11, 2014
    1. 1 Toy Maker
      Well I was a proper doos and formated my tablet yesterday and forgot to save everything to the SD card so I lost about 80 pages of unfinished works. Including part of my CAW 26
      1 Toy Maker, Dec 20, 2015
  16. ahorsewithnoname

    ahorsewithnoname Porn Star

    Feb 11, 2011
    Maybe you can check with the CAW Host and see if he'll allow you to send it to him early on, like, now. Then it will be out of your hands, so to speak. :)
    • Like Like x 3
  17. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Ehhh, naw, I get why it is put off and don't want to spoil anyone else's holiday. So to distract me from the first working at me I started picking at another though we already have guests arriving so that will eat up my weekend.

    Hush....an alias
    • Like Like x 4
    1. Little Miss K
      I liked a certain story about you sitting on Santa's lap!:)

      I hope that you bring your storytelling to the CAW. It's all for fun, and nothing really matters.:biggrin:
      Little Miss K, Dec 19, 2015
      Hush likes this.
    2. Hush
      Hush, Dec 19, 2015
      Little Miss K likes this.
    3. wantsomefun
      Making something up isn't hard. Watch the news for inspiration.

      wantsomefun, Dec 19, 2015
      Hush likes this.
    4. Hush
      Ehh, getting them to read it though is....My "Cumming to a Theater Near You" story at 48k words scares folks off few reading it. Spirit of Alaska was 60k and only received a couple comments here. These two though no where near those in scope (and I'll not post any further info as per the rules) I still suspect will be wasted time on my part.

      IOW, if it exceeds a Hallmark Card, they don't want to read it.....Then again, maybe it has nothing to do with the length yet the poor writing :eggonface:

      Hush....an alias
      Hush, Dec 20, 2015
      Little Miss K likes this.
  18. CAW SOP

    CAW SOP Sex Machine

    Apr 30, 2012
    TWO Hush stories? Really? Even one would be a CAW first, but two?

    • Like Like x 3
  19. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    • Like Like x 3
  20. wantsomefun

    wantsomefun Storyteller and Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Dec 11, 2014
    Writing supply?
    • Like Like x 1
    1. crackedjaguar
      You got it amigo.... mmmm feels good.
      crackedjaguar, Dec 20, 2015