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  1. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Well, that didn't work out well for someone.

    The hilarious part is, Ruben Sturman of Cleveland, the Cleveland based mob helping to drive it (though by no means part of the mob, and demanded they do things on the up and up) for all intents and purposes brought porn from being sold out of the trunks of cars into the mainstream. Adult bookstores, movie booths/quarter peeps, even the projectors to run them all due to him. In kind, he imported in the porn that was used, and when that wasn't good enough, even founded the six early production companies of porn, on and on.

    Seriously, they would find some obscure little bookstore that sold porn under-shelf and supply them with more than they ever could imagine.....Quarter booths were so popular, that literally they would go into a place and if the guy would just give them space, design the layout, build the booths, install the booths, install the projectors, supply the film loops and do it all for......FREE......In return they only asked for 50% of the revenue, and they made money hand over fist.

    Seriously, what I encountered in the late 80's when it was in its decline due to video tape, was nothing compared to the 70's-early 80's. It was a massive industry, thousands upon thousands of stores, and they had their fingers in everything east of the Mississippi, and eventually started branching out west....That also included adult theaters, drive-ins, you name it.

    This site exists because of the efforts of Sturman, Mahoney, Flynt, and a few others.....What you find today are just pale remnants of that time.

    Hush.....an alias
    • Like Like x 4
  2. plzufirst

    plzufirst Porn Star

    Jun 2, 2014
    I enjoy reading whatever bio I can find on Harry Mahoney, Terry Shoultes and the other midwest mavericks that pioneered the legit porn industry of the 70's. Wild & crazy times. I was only a spectator :)
  3. Sonicfirestorm

    Sonicfirestorm Porno Junky

    Apr 8, 2010
    Interesting to learn, but not exactly the stories I had in mind haha. Anyone else have any stories about encounters in adult bookstores or adult theaters?
  4. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Fine here are two I have posted numerous times here:

    Behind the Glass, first job back in the U.S.:
    Now, as to my first time in an "adult boutique or bookstore" which was in the U.S, came when I had just made it back to America, broke, illiterate, and could barely speak English except when using very broken pidgin English or when speaking in very sexual terms did fine (think it's a nervous thing as when talking sex I knew where I stood). I needed money, slept where I laid my head and had one pair of jeans, a flannel shirt and a pair of boys cowboy boots with no socks to wear. My food for the couple of weeks till then came from making money blowing truckers for $20 a pop.

    What I could read though was "xXx & Live Nude Girls", so I walked in and looked around noting the quarter booths that surrounded a stage were not being used. Now I had in other countries had to dance behind glass before so I figured it out rather quickly......Up to the counter, asked where the girls were and was told they'd not had any for a couple of years. So I asked if I could dance to which the guy looked me over and laughed at me being filthy dirty, matted hair cut short by my own hand with a razor, and looking more like a teen boy then a woman. His response was "have at it for half your tips nothing more" and showed me to the back, showed me how to work the cassette player and walked back out front turning on the lights expecting me to leave.

    So I bathed in the sink slicking my hair back then shaved my pits, legs and pussy with a new razor I found in a drawer, bit my lips and slapped my face till it reddened, and turned on the music turning up the volume then stood facing the back wall away from the booths. At the very least I was able to get a bath....In about 15 minutes someone dropped a quarter in that lit up the lights around the glass (2 way mirrors) of one of the booths, and I started dancing slowly my back to them knowing they probably thought I was a guy, yet knowing men knew they'd watch anyhow then leave......

    About a minute into it I stepped out of view off to the side then stepped over the window and slowly began to squat down keeping my coochie as close to the glass as I could get, then lay back on the red shag carpet setting my feet to the upper corners of the glass in case he had a foot thing, and shoved my butt and coochie right up to the glass and ground....Click, lights off, and knowing they could still kind of see pulled my feet down and closed my legs so all he got was a shot of shins.

    It took all of 5 seconds for the lights to come back on. However, I didn't move just swaying my knees back and forth. First a dollar popped through the slot which I slid to the side yet didn't move more then I was. Then a $5 bill to which back up went my feet, my fingers to my cunnie, and I sat up pressing my cheek to the top edge of the glass trying to look like I was really into masturbating.

    Rather quickly the guy started talking asking me to do this, no wait do that, finally settling on he wanted to see me push my fingers inside myself. With that I got up, then laid back down flat on my belly facing the glass making sure my legs from the knees down were up in the air softly kicking and told him to not put another quarter in yet. After about a minute the lights went off my side around the mirror and his inside went on and there he was.

    At that point I asked him to show me his cock. He hesitated so I begged saying "pleeeeease, a mans cock makes me very wet". Finally pulling it out I naturally made a big deal over it getting up on my knees and acting like I was trying to hurry up and masturbate myself to cumming before he left though I knew it would be difficult for him to see me just a silhouette mostly, and very flatly stated "what I really want is for your big hard cock to fuck me hard till it fills my cunt with your cum" in my broken English.

    It took him all of a second to go from soft to hard him asking "can we do that?" My response was simple, "well no....But, if you go out and buy me a cock we could pretend, and I need it soooooo bad, need to feel your cock in me now!" I kid you not I've never seen anyone put their hard dick away so fast and leave the booth, yet he didn't say a word so I figured I put him off upsetting him.

    About 5 minutes later I heard from the back room "Hey you, come here!" over the music me just wandering around. There was the owner standing there with a brand new dildo in the package naturally over sized and a sample lube him asking "did you tell some guy to buy and bring you this $35 dildo?"....."Yeah, have a problem with that?"....."Hell no! here." I couldn't even get it out of the package and washed before the lights were back on.

    In short order I did as I said I would fucking myself with the dildo for the guy all the while grinding, moaning, faking out a couple of orgasms and sticking my fingers through the slot after rubbing them on my pussy the guy inside quickly sucking on them. Just after the lights went out I saw him blow his load on his shirt, and as I leaned back a $20 bill dropped out the slot. Knowing he'd up and run, I quickly bolted out the back and putting on my flannel ran round to the booth just as he came out and handed him the dildo stating "see ya again soon, nice cock!".....and ran back to the back.

    The owner then and there offered me a job, and we negotiated out that I'd keep 75% of the tips BUT get 5% of the cost of anything the customers bought due to me (as that part blew his mind)....Naturally I'd never re-use a toy only sometimes giving them to the guys, and though that first day the lights on were sporadic, by the second most to even often all were on very regularly.

    For the first week I never left the stage area except to bathe, get a toy, oil, lube or clothing brought to me, change the tapes and go to the bathroom it a 24 hour a day place and besides I had no where else to go. Even food was brought to me which I'd eat right there between dances and slept on the floor of the stage eventually having some plush pillows and a blanket brought to me........After that first week I even became bold enough I'd go out into the boutique and walk through the quarter movie booth area knocking on doors telling the guys to come see the real thing......and within a couple of weeks I was using the "private show booth" which was nothing more then a 4' x 8' room with a tiny stage one end and a chair the other which I'd invite "special customers" to (lots of money and seemed safe enough). Naturally there it was quite a bit more then a show, and word spread fast.

    By about a month they had to shut it down the sudden popularity looking at getting the bookstore closed down, yet in that time as the owner had kept count he had sold close to 100 dildos and lube, numerous outfits which they sold there, and all kinds of other sex toys so made himself some good money.......I on the other hand kept none of the items walking with a number of phone numbers to various strip clups in other towns, brothels and people wanting to "help me"...yeah right.....and over $XX,XXX.XX.

    Over my years working I worked a few, the last had a full blown theatre attached that showed XXX films 24/7 and I was supposed to give live shows between on stage (and work the crowd basically giving hand jobs and blow jobs during).....That one got stupid, I was almost gang raped by a bunch of pervert wankers when the crowd was huge one day them all getting a bit over excited. So ended my "official" adult bookstore work.
    .........and that was my first time in an "adult bookstore".

    It 'sNot What You Think:
    Another night working behind the glass had really paid off. Almost too well actually as I could barely get any stage time which generated 'Private Show Booth' customers from all the private booth shows I was doing. Without exageration it was also costing me customers in that there were even men waiting in line (most was 3), and as you can imagine besides not wanting to be seen waiting, most were not to simply go 'next'.

    Welp I found a temporary partial solution, to keep guys from running off I stuck a stool in a very small closet that was next to the PSB, and would stick a guy in there, then another in the PSB, run back to the closet and get the guy prepped, back to the PSB and prep him, back to the closet and do the show, hustle the guy out, put another in, clean up, then back to the PSB and do that show...and you get the picture.

    So, prepping the guy in the closet he asks bluntly "how much to just jack off on my belly while I masturbate?" Told him the price, took the money, yanked down his pants and told him to get ready...ran back to the PSB and that guy is a bit of a pervert yet it will work out perfect I'm thinking able to skip a step in the process as he wants me to rub my filthy cum trodden feet (as it was all over the floors) over his face and chest while I speak down to him being verbally abusive, and asked if I could empty anothers used condom on my belly so just as he was about to cum (him jacking off too) I was to hook my heels around his neck and pull his face down into the funk. Freaky, but okay, this much, tell him to strip, take his money, run back to the closet.

    Squeezing past the guy in there and it's hot with no ventilation, it's loud from the music passing through the walls just right, but so what, lets do this. Setting the stool in the middle I lean back till my shoulders are on the back wall jamming my feet to the opposite sides wall on either side of him and have at it. Instantly I note him stick a $20 bill between his teeth as temptation for a good show and a tip to come, so decide to make it a good one.

    Now I'm hot and sweatting, he's sweatting (as I could feel it dripping on me...ick), my coochie is sopped from all the work, and I start rubbing away, moaning, groaning, writhing about on the stool. Peeking out I see he's hard and pumping it gangbusters, face contorted, and wanting to blow which is great as time is money and 15 minutes vs. 5 is a hell of a lot more time. Perfect! I start going ape on my coochie, sweat and pussy juice slinging everywhere as I hear his grunts, moans and wheezing getting louder, so start screaming out to get him to blow "oh yeah, fuCK YeaH, Mi cumming, MI CUMMING, shoot on mi, shoot ON MI, CUM!"

    Over my screaming I hear a loud wheezing grunt, and then feel my belly to neck painted in not one but two massive ropey jets, enough I can feel it seriously cover me, thick and warm, a massive load then silence. Opening my eyes, I see this guys jaw is dropped, $20 bill stuck to his lower lip, eyes bugged staring at my chest and frozen in place obviously admiring his load, so good on me, if it stuns even him then he'll be back.

    Great, grab the $20 from his mouth him still bug eyed, push him to the side, tell him to come back soon yet clean up and go. Head out the door, tap the next guy in line on the arm and tell him to go "in there" when that guy comes out, run in the PSB, flop on my back, pull the guy standing there close with my feet and jam them to his chest as I announce "ya filthy bastard, you no good enough to clean da cum off mi feet! Be still doormat, pull dat leetle cock, pull it you pig!"

    Trouble is, I don't feel him jerking at all, and when I open my eyes and look over my knees there he is looking down in horror at my belly and chest his face all contorted looking like he was about to barf. "What wrong honey? Mi not say right tings?" His response was simple still staring down, though his *little man, dirty boy, being naughty* voice has changed to a very firm one as he states plainly......*"I'm not doing that, you're sick!"* Turning and walking out the door dressing as he went.

    WTH? Standing up I decided to look in the mirror at how much cum there must of been for this guy to freak out getting what he wanted......Well, there was none.....What there was however in massive globs and long streaks was clearly snot. Guess the guy before hand had sneezed and I couldn't hear it over all my yelling.

    Ah well, I'd check better the next time.....As it is "snot" always what you think .

    Hush....an alias
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Sonicfirestorm

    Sonicfirestorm Porno Junky

    Apr 8, 2010
    Wow, seems like you've had some good times in a bookstore. Anyone else have any stories to share? I'm thinking about making a trip out there tonight and see what happens
  6. Sonicfirestorm

    Sonicfirestorm Porno Junky

    Apr 8, 2010
    Bump, I'm horny and would love to hear any guys experience with another guy in a sex shop or theater ;)
  7. Jaminb102

    Jaminb102 Porno Junky

    Nov 5, 2014
    Long time ago I thought I finally got the balls to go in a booth but when I saw the many guys hanging around I thought I'm not standing in that line. Now I get get what was going on. To this day haven't been back think I will some day but hope not so many guys there
  8. CuriousOne69

    CuriousOne69 Sex Lover

    Feb 9, 2014
    Another time I was in the booths looking for a room to go in. This guy was jacking off with the door open. So I kinda went in standing in the doorway looking at the tv and him stroking himself. This other guy comes behind me and kinda pushes me in and closes the door. He went to lock it but the lock was broken. So he asked me to block the door. For whatever I was thinking at the time, I sat down in front of the door so it couldn't be opened. The guy that walked in didn't even say anything to the guy already in there jackin off, but just got right down on his knees and started sucking him off. It was so hot! The guy was moaning and putting his hands through the guys hair as he was sucking him off. I was horny as hell. I was rubbing myself on top of my pants. After a few minutes the guy said "I'm gonna cum." The guy stopped sucking him and watched him cum in his hand. Almost instantly, he turned around looked at me and came over unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down to just around my thighs and started sucking me off. I was super horny already. I just remember his mouth being so warm and wet. When I was ready I told him I was about to cum and he just sucked faster and swallowed it all. After I cummed and was going soft, he licked my head a few times and looked at me and said "Young cum. I like that."
    • Like Like x 7
  9. mattyb2285

    mattyb2285 Newcumer

    Jan 15, 2015
    I can't say I had any fun in a abs but I've got my dick sucked by a guy twice and never got off but still think about trying again maybe I'm just not into it and just like to think about it
  10. Sonicfirestorm

    Sonicfirestorm Porno Junky

    Apr 8, 2010
    I've wondered the same thing about myself. The thought of sucking and being sucked especially in an adult bookstore is such a turn on for me, but whenever I have the opportunity I don't go for it. I wonder if maybe I just like the fantasy
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Sonicfirestorm

    Sonicfirestorm Porno Junky

    Apr 8, 2010
    So just wondering, has anyone here ever invited someone into your booth? What did you do? Did you rub your cocks together for a while? I really want to join someone in a booth but I don't know how to do that. Any advice?
  12. CuriousOne69

    CuriousOne69 Sex Lover

    Feb 9, 2014
    If they want company, they'll leave the door open. All you have to do is close the door and sit next them. Same thing if your in there first, they'll do the same with you. Just leave the door open. Once your in there... If your shy, just wait for their move. They'll either start rubbing on themselves, on you, get up and leave, or sit there nervously waiting for you to make the first move.
  13. Sonicfirestorm

    Sonicfirestorm Porno Junky

    Apr 8, 2010
    I'm still to shy to leave the door open. Have you had many bookstore experiences?
  14. CuriousOne69

    CuriousOne69 Sex Lover

    Feb 9, 2014
    Yeah, I've been to them numerous times. If you don't want to leave the door open, maybe leave it unlocked or leave it cracked open.
  15. Sonicfirestorm

    Sonicfirestorm Porno Junky

    Apr 8, 2010
    I always leave the door unlocked hoping someone will come in. I want to leave it cracked but always end up closing it. Also, do you mind sharing some of your experiences? I'd love to hear about them.
    • Like Like x 2
  16. CuriousOne69

    CuriousOne69 Sex Lover

    Feb 9, 2014
    I have had lot of experiences and seen quite a bit. Anything specific?
  17. JimmyMack2015

    JimmyMack2015 Porn Surfer

    Jan 15, 2015
    I had almost exactly the same experience.

    I was checked into a motel just outside Vegas near the Nellis military base. It was late afternoon and I was bored. Outside the motel room window I could see an adult bookstore on the other side of the intersection. What the hell, I thought, and hiked on over there.

    It was a pretty big place. The front section was stocked with rows of books, movies and toys. The entrance to the back area involved pulling back a curtain. Over the curtain was a sign that said something like: MOVIE ARCADE -- ADULTS ONLY -- MOVIE MUST BE PLAYING IF BOOTH OCCUPIED.

    Behind the curtain it was semi-dark. I walked hesitantly down a corridor with doors on each side -- doors to the video booths. As my eyes adjusted I could see shapes -- men walking toward me. I was 22 at the time and had experience with men and women. One of them asked me in a very soft and polite voice if I wanted a blow job. I declined with equal politeness. Not that I was against anonymous sex, quite the opposite -- since age 16 I have loved watching and being watched by either sex. But I am not into intimate anonymous sex.

    The other guys said hi, and I said hi back. I may have been the first fresh meat in that place for months! Though it seemed a little scary at first, I quickly concluded I was in no danger.

    I had some tokens so I went into a booth. Immediately a guy went into the booth beside me. He didn't close his door and I left mine about 1/3 open.

    I put in a token and some ancient porn movie started to play. I was already rock hard because I knew that in a moment I would be masturbating to an audience of eager spectators. So I pretended to be looking at the screen as I undid the buttons of my black Wrangler jeans. The crowd at the door had a good profile view of me.

    I extracted my penis and dropped my jeans far enough to show my ass. My penis was very hard and pointing up. Three strokes would have brought me off. There were appreciative sounds from the spectators.

    When I thought it couldn't get any hotter I heard a rattling sound -- the guy in the booth next to me was raising the partition between our booths, leaving only a clear sheet of plexiglass between us. He was around 18 and like me, fully exposed. He was bigger than me, but my 6-inch penis was delicately formed and uncut.

    Neither of us pretended to watch our movies. We turned toward each other, exchanged smiles, and watched each other jerk off as we gave the crowd of about a half-dozen onlookers a pretty hot show. And yes, it ended with a big climax.
    • Like Like x 3
  18. Sonicfirestorm

    Sonicfirestorm Porno Junky

    Apr 8, 2010
    Wow, that would be an amazing experience. A situation like that is exactly what I would love to happen to me. Thanks for the jerk off material for tonight! Anyone else have any stories to share?
  19. Grumpy114

    Grumpy114 Porn Surfer

    Jan 15, 2015
    I'm curious and wanna try this
  20. Legato14

    Legato14 Porno Junky

    Dec 14, 2014
    You guys are really making me want to try this.
    I've always been hesitant because I figure the guys in there might not be very attractive and unhygienic, but reading these posts makes me wonder if it's at least worth a shot.
    • Like Like x 1