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  1. Tightcuntlover

    Tightcuntlover Porn Star Suspended!

    May 13, 2007
    Well lor, it's hard to tell exactly, but I think I'm getting close, and if this post doesn't finally get the message across to CT then, short of borrowing an oil platform drill to work on that thick skull of his (don't worry it's numb, he won't feel a thing) I might find myself at a loss for words and in total despair.....for him mind....not for me of course!!

    So here's an update.

    After a reasonably smooth, phased and planned transition from appearing as Azriel on these forums....to becoming Camel Toe, the tongue twisting, picture posting fool decided he would come after me in his new guise.

    What he actually hoped to achieve is something I'm not entirely sure about, but I figure revenge for having his ass kicked left, right and centre all over these forums, by me, whilst he was Azriel probably featured quite high on his list.

    Camel Toe has gone to great lengths to achieve this, expending a great deal of time and effort......even posting cut and pasted stuff that he hoped might lead one to think he wasn't American.....

    what with 'me granny' and all that.

    (Note to Camel Toe: Rotten Crotch Valley is a bit of a giveaway)

    However, just as Azriel did nothing but Google pics and post them.....Camel Toe decided that his modus operandi was to be dependent upon googling various online dictionaries in order to make himself look superior in intelligence to me....and with a better grasp of a language, namely English, than a native Englishman might have.

    That was a mistake on his part....a fucking HUGE mistake....because, as has already been pointed out, he is not to be trusted with even a tin of Alphabetti Spaghetti


    well, not without a bib on anyway.

    You may wonder why I have taken this much time over him......but I'm really just returning the compliment.

    Thing is lor......he thinks he can annoy me......but what he has yet to understand is that if I hadn't annoyed him.....and become a bee in the cute little bonnet he wears to disguise his thick head.....he wouldn't even be attempting to annoy me back!!
  2. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Hey now, let's not forget that I was the first one dude came after as CamelToe, and if I hadn't completely ignored his ass for over a month, he still would be much more often than he is now.

    But yeah, pretty much what TCL said. It doesn't matter though dude, if they don't get it already, they never will because they don't want to.
  3. Tightcuntlover

    Tightcuntlover Porn Star Suspended!

    May 13, 2007
    Fair enough Chris.....but you missed out a bit....

    he really is too much fun to ignore!! ;)
  4. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Actually I think it's more fun when I ignore him because then he tries even more desperately to get my attention than usual.
  5. Tightcuntlover

    Tightcuntlover Porn Star Suspended!

    May 13, 2007

    It's fucking around with his head that counts for points on the board. ;)
  6. protein

    protein Porn Surfer

    Sep 21, 2009
    That's why I love the internet. Some people just never seem to realize that the mythical e-peen simply cannot be extended by ungainly pretentiousness.
    Especially when they don't even realize they're being fucked with. lol.​
  7. Tightcuntlover

    Tightcuntlover Porn Star Suspended!

    May 13, 2007

    I love the knickers off you.....darling! ;)
  8. protein

    protein Porn Surfer

    Sep 21, 2009
  9. Tightcuntlover

    Tightcuntlover Porn Star Suspended!

    May 13, 2007

    How succinct. :)
  10. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    And the best part is we don't even have to actually do anything to provoke it. We can just post normally without even paying them any attention, and here they come! Hell, we could not post at all and they would still make complete fools of themselves because it's what they do, without even realizing it.

    Actually, the best part about it is that they are all about their image and how things appear to be and yet to anybody with any sense, they come across as exactly what they are, complete losers trying too hard on a porn forum.
  11. Tightcuntlover

    Tightcuntlover Porn Star Suspended!

    May 13, 2007
    I wouldn't call that 'image'

    more mirrors...and smoke.

    Some of us are real on here......

    some of them are not.

    It's not difficult to tell the difference.
  12. Tightcuntlover

    Tightcuntlover Porn Star Suspended!

    May 13, 2007

    Just for fun!!
  13. P3D0 B3@R

    P3D0 B3@R Porn Star

    Jan 2, 2009
    o hai!
    i can haz teh "tickle me elmo" doll just for fun? just questioning.