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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Its really funny when treasonous conservative/Republicans try to claim Trump was exonerated in his impeachments. Especially the last one where a bi partisan majority voted to convict Trump but not enough to reach a 3/4 majority required to remove him from office. In fact it was the hugest number of members of the same party voting to convict in US history.

    'He's in deep trouble: Legal experts explain why Trump's NY grand jury is much bigger than normal cases

    Sarah K. Burris
    May 25, 2021

    Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump (Photo: Albert H. Teich / Shutterstock)

    Legal experts took to Twitter Tuesday after the Washington Post revealed that Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance had moved his case against President Donald Trump to a grand jury.

    Some explained that the move of going to a grand jury reveals that there is evidence that at least one crime was committed.

    Speaking to MSNBC's Ari Melber Tuesday evening, the former chief assistant to the Manhattan DA's office explained why this grand jury is a little bit different from others.

    "What's different from this, which is colloquially called a special grand jury, we used to call it an additional or extra grand jury in the DA's office is that now this grand jury, assuming the reporting is right, will spend an extended period hearing one or more cases. Specified cases not just the old case," said Daniel Alonso. "The usual grand juries sit for four weeks, and they hear any case that comes through the door. But this is now a more targeted thing. And that typically means that the DA has a complicated case he wants to present for a potential indictment at some point during the term of the additional grand jury."

    Former senior prosecutor to Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, noted that this isn't anything unexpected because it's consistent with what was seen with these kinds of cases.

    "Well, it's important to keep this in context because that reporting is consistent with what was revealed by the New York Attorney General's office this past summer when they were skirmishing with Eric Trump," said Weissmann. "This issue of tax fraud and bank fraud and insurance fraud is one that's been going on for some time. I think the big news is that they now have convened a grand jury, and that is certainly a prerequisite to bringing a charge. Whether they get there or not is something we don't know. The fact they're sitting three days a week is unusual and it suggests the seriousness of purpose since that's not typical."

    Melber asked Weissmann to explain that the average person isn't eager to sit for three days a week for the next six months on a grand jury looking at one specific set of crimes. Other cases, he explained, that typically it's one or two days a week over perhaps a four-week period. This is much more.

    "And I would think that this is going to mean that if you are Allen Weisselberg, you know, you are feeling the pressure today, that this is really ratcheting up what's going on," he closed.

    See the video and responses from other legal experts below:

  2. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    "Its really funny when treasonous conservative/Republicans try to claim Trump was exonerated in his impeachments. Especially the last one where a bi partisan majority voted to convict Trump but not enough to reach a 3/4 majority required to remove him from office. In fact it was the hugest number of members of the same party voting to convict in US history"
    Still bloviating that the rules don't mean anything when they work against the despicable agenda. Its the HUGEST deception of all.
    1. ImDown6969
      And what rules do you think we’re violated? Just the fucking laws of the United States by multiple members of the administration and the oath of office by every single fucking GOP senator. Let’s get it straight
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    'They got the mother lode': Former prosecutor says new grand jury has everything on Trump

    Matthew Chapman
    May 25, 2021


    On MSNBC's "Deadline: White House" Tuesday, former federal prosecutor Harry Litman discussed the full extent of what evidence the New York grand jury weighing charges against former President Donald Trump would have for their consideration.

    "The grand jury's going to get everything and that's true," said Litman. "We know that the — that was the inception of the case, but then, they got the mother lode. They got the tax returns, going back and forth to the Supreme Court twice to get them. So, that takes all kinds of transactions of this sort and forms the basis for possibly multiple counts where people surmise and it stands to reason that it's a similar kind of hanky-panky, changing the way you valuate same properties, one for tax to make it look low, one for loans to make it look high, that's fraud on both entities."

    "I think what is happening, likely, is a plethora of transactions like that, like that core one with Stormy Daniels, which we are learning is sort of the Trump way of doing business, the general MO, and also including [Trump Organization CFO Allen] Weisselberg," added Litman.

    Watch below:

    • Like Like x 1
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  4. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    JUNE 25, 202010:28 AMUPDATED A YEAR AGO
    Fact check: Kamala Harris quote on “vengeance of a nation” fabricated by satire website
    By Reuters Staff

    2 MIN READ

    Social media users have been sharing a lengthy quote online and wrongly attributing it to Kamala Harris. The quote actually comes from a satirical website.

    Examples can be found here and here .

    One post reads: “And once Trump’s gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions, because we’ll be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner of this great nation. For it is you who have betrayed us. – Kamala Harris” ( here ).

    The quote circulating on social media is dated June 18, 2020. The posts do not give any other information about where Harris said it and in what context.

    A Google search of the quote reveals it stems from an article called “Kamala Harris: ‘After We Impeach, We Round Up the Trump Supporters’” from the satirical website bustatroll.org. ( here ) While the website itself describes itself as parody and satire, the posts being shared do not mention this. ( bustatroll.org/about-us/ )

    False. This quote originated from a satirical website.

    This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact checking work here . 
    • Like Like x 1
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Former Trump Org. executive explains why Donald throwing CFO Allen Weisselberg under the bus will fail big time

    Sarah K. Burris
    May 25, 2021

    Barbara Res -- screenshot

    Speaking to MSNBC's Ari Melber on Tuesday, former Trump Organization executive said she was "surprised" that the Manhattan DA's case on former President Donald Trump's business has been sent to a grand jury.

    Barbara Res explained that up until recently, "Trump has always been total Teflon. So the fact they're closing in on him is wonderful and surprising for him."

    She said that Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg, "must be shaking in his boots" and "he's got things at stake."

    "Weisselberg is an ordinary guy," she explained. "He's not like a [Michael] Cohen or anyone the big names like [Roger] Stone or any of those people. He's just an ordinary guy. He goes up, and he changed his standing and everything, but I can't imagine he's just -- he's just beside himself."

    Melber noted that it was Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, who Trump threw under the bus, that revealed all of the financial problems while testifying before Congress.

    Cohen also predicted that Trump would flip on his children but that his children will likely flip on him too.

    Melber asked Res if Trump will implicate Weisselberg and she concluded that it was likely.

    "Of course. If he doesn't understand by this point, he's got a problem," Res explained. "You know, he's seen Trump throw everything he could find under the bus. Does he have a problem with it? Well, probably it would hurt him, but it would be foolish to think that wasn't going to happen. And it is a big problem for him and everyone else is going to do that. But Weisselberg, for one thing, he's not the kind of guy that would be the only one that would know. I don't know that there is anyone like that, but it is certainly not Weisselberg. Weisselberg is one of the total sycophants that doesn't breathe or inhale or exhale without Trump's permission or knowledge. So, I think that that will be interesting in trying to lay it on Weisselberg and how he responds. And I think it will be effective."

    She noted that Weisselberg would likely be able to convince investigators that Trump was part of it and had "complete guilty knowledge."

  6. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    What's even more hilarious is how scared you leftists are of Trump....75 million.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    1. ImDown6969
      No one is scared. Trust me we’re fucking revolted and pissed. We should take matters into our own hands actually. We have the right to revolt and enforce our own nations laws.
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
  7. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    I dont care..it still fits my agenda.... the leftist hack fucks in Congress have self weaponized themselves.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    So how much more in your agenda is just lies ace's?

    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Trump is panicking because he knows he's guilty. And how to we know that? Because Trump is totally corrupt and we saw that with our own eyes over and over again when he was president. And also because the "charity" was so corrupt they had to shut it down, got fined millions, and are barred from every creating another charity.

    Trump Posts Long, Whiny, Bitter Blog After New York Grand Jury Reports

    Jamie Ross
    News Correspondent

    Published May. 26, 2021 4:48AM ET
    Reuters/Carlos Barria

    There is no greater case study for the benefits of Twitter’s character limit than Donald Trump’s howling-into-the-void blog. In his latest stream of consciousness, it’s clear the former president has not reacted well to reports that the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office has convened a grand jury panel to decide whether to bring criminal charges against him. Trump wheeled out some of his most well-worn lines, dismissing the probe against him as the “greatest Witch Hunt in American history,” before urging prosecutors to leave him alone because he thinks he did a “great job for our Country.” Trump wrote: “This is purely political, and an affront to the almost 75 million voters who supported me in the Presidential Election, and it’s being driven by highly partisan Democrat prosecutors.” He went on to boast about his popularity among Republican voters, and vowed to “keep on fighting like I have been for the last five years!” The expected presentation of evidence against Trump’s business will move the criminal investigation into the ex-president into a new phase.

    Read it at NBC News

    • Like Like x 1
  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    • Like Like x 1
  11. pauldz

    pauldz Porn Star

    May 5, 2020
    oh come on, nothings going to stick to teflon Don mark 2, lol lol lol
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. Truthful 1
      Because there’s nothing to stick .
      Truthful 1, May 26, 2021
    2. ImDown6969
      Truthful? You dumb bastard.
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. ImDown6969
      Like all the indictments from the Mueller investigations? LOL
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
  13. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Well, here's the problem the despicables face now.
    They been twirling and peeing for over 5 years about Trump being a criminal, and its all right there in his tax returns if the scoundrel would only let us see them, and in any case he's a racist, sexist pig who needs to be in jail.

    So, they got his tax returns. And they have a grand jury empaneled just to look at Trump's shit. Its long been said that an inept prosecutor with no facts, no crime, and no evidence can get a ham sandwich indicted. So, finally, it's put up or shut the fuck up time.
    The despicables better get their indictments.
    And they better get convictions.

    Otherwise, their dishonesty and political attacks will all be exposed.

    The Big Apple: “Indict a ham sandwich” (barrypopik.com)
    "This famous modern legal term that a prosecutor can get a grand jury to "indict a ham sandwich" -- that is, indict anything -- began in New York. It was immortalized in the Tom Wolfe novel, Bonfire of the Vanities (1987). "Ham sandwiches" are common sandwiches, cited in print from at least 1806. Wolfe credited Sol Wachtler, chief judge of the State Court of Appeals, but Wachtler (who said it in 1985) did not originate the saying. The Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) published on September 2, 1979:

    "'The district attorney could get the grand jury to indict a ham sandwich if he wanted to,' one Rochester defense lawyer said."

    Brooklyn-born Thomas Puccio (1944-2012) was head of the Justice Department's Organized Crime Strike Force for the Eastern District of New York in the early 1980s when he ran the Abscam investigation, videotaping politicians accepting bribes from a fraudulent Arabian company. Abscam was a controversial sting operation, and some critics believed that it was entrapment. Washington (DC) Post columnist Jack Anderson wrote on February 23, 1982:

    "In his Brooklyn domain, he (Thomas Puccio -- ed.) stands guard like St. Peter at the gates of justice. He decrees whom his grand juries shall indict. 'I could,' he boasted in front of witness, 'indict a ham sandwich.'"
    1. ImDown6969
      Dishonesty and political hacks? have ZERO standing shut the fuck up
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Prosecutors Tell Witness to Prepare to Testify Before Grand Jury in Trump Criminal Probe: Report

    Blake Montgomery

    Published May. 26, 2021 5:28PM ET
    Mark Wilson/Getty
    Prosecutors in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office have instructed at least one witness involved in the investigation of Donald Trump and his eponymous company to prepare to give testimony to a grand jury convened this week, CNN reports. The secret panel will determine whether prosecutors bring criminal charges after the city’s attorneys present evidence as to possible tax evasion by the Trump Organization, hush money payments made to women on the former president’s behalf, potentially illegal executive compensation, and other financial matters. The jury will hear evidence from the district attorney’s investigation, which has spanned multiple years, for three days a week for the next six months, according to multiple reports.

    Read it at CNN

    • Like Like x 1
  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    'They have it': Mueller prosecutor says if DA has documents and Trump's comptroller — it's over for Weisselberg

    Sarah K. Burris
    June 16, 2021

    Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg/Screenshot

    In a shocking moment Wednesday, former senior prosecutor for special counsel Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann agreed with Michael Cohen that Allen Weisselberg is about to be out of options.

    Speaking to MSNBC's Ari Melber, Weissmann followed an interview with Cohen in which the former Trump attorney said that he has turned over every document and all of the evidence necessary that could link Allen Weisselberg to illegal behavior.

    "As Michael Cohen said, and, as you know, I rarely agree with him but I think he is right here, having the comptroller as somebody who appears to be cooperating is really significant. If I were the CFO, Weisselberg, and I knew the comptroller was cooperating and that the Manhattan District Attorney's office has all of the documentation, assuming there is some crime there, they're going to have it because they now have a witness and they have the documentation."

    In the second half of the interview, Weissmann addressed the recent decision by the Justice Department to drop the investigation and lawsuits against John Bolton for allegedly disclosing classified information in his book. Weissmann made it clear that there were statements and a paper trail proving that Bolton did what was asked by the compliance office. That office signed off on the book.


    See Weissmann's interview below:
    • Like Like x 2
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Multiple sources are reporting Andrew Weissmann will be charged this summer. And in the meantime Michael Cohen continues to cooperate with prosecutors big time.

    Michael Cohen says Jared and Ivanka were also involved in setting up documents that lied for Trump

    Michael Cohen (Photo: Screen capture)

    Speaking to MSNBC's Ari Melber on Wednesday, Michael Cohen warned that Allen Weisselberg would suffer the consequences of the Trump Organization's corruption.

    Cohen was cited as someone fully cooperating with Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance about Weisselberg, but Cohen explained he doesn't want to talk about his conversations with the DA's office. Ironically, Weisselberg was the one who threw Cohen under the bus during the investigations into hush-money payments from Trump.

    He explained that Weisselberg is not the primary target of the investigation by Vance.

    "He will, unfortunately, or fortunately, depending upon which way you see it, he will become collateral damage," said Cohen. "But it is not just Allen Weisselberg that's going to be collateral damage. It is going to be his two sons as well. Barry, who worked for the company dealing with the carousel, and Jack Weisselberg, who was involved with Ladder Capital with the two loans that were given to the Trump Organization. So, Allen has a choice. The choice is, do you want to spend the golden years of your life behind bars while remaining loyal to Donald Trump, knowing that Trump would absolutely 100 percent not be loyal to [Weisselberg], or are you going to allow yourself and your sons to go to prison versus pass along the information and try to get yourself some sort of leniency?"

    Cohen went on to say that the documents are already in the hands of the DA and the New York attorney general. "You're not going to escape it." The documents he's referring to are evidence proving that Weisselberg was involved in the hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

    "On top of that, they have, again, documentary evidence — you know, the problem with everybody in the Trump Organization is that they all lie," Cohen continued. "And they will continue, as I did, including with Congress. We all lied in order to protect Donald. The problem, though, is that there are documents that show the opposite, that I wasn't the only one that lied in the creation of that document. It was Ivanka and Jared and the lawyers. All of them were involved in the setting up of that -- of that information to Congress. So, yes, I'm the one that suffered the consequences, and my belief is that Allen is going to suffer the same consequences."

    See the full interview below:

    • Like Like x 2
  17. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    So did ya ever get a look at those tax returns???:hilarious:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. sexysjhymers
      sexysjhymers, Jun 18, 2021
    2. stumbler
      That is a really stupid and ignorant question. Yes we got to see Trump's tax returns as published by the NYT which is how we know that Trump paid no taxes in most years and only $750 for the past couple years which is s shit load less than my wife and I paid.

      But both Cy Vance and Letitia James are looking at all Trump's taxes right now in grand juries and we probably won't get to see them until Trump and his kids are indicted.
      stumbler, Jun 20, 2021
  18. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008

    Should we be considering the source?...the convicted lawyer that used the law to break the law...

    I have no idea if Trump is guilty of anything...listening to the political leftists and the fawning activist media, this Trump character is far worse a criminal than anything this Nation has ever seen.

    I'm very confident that this yo-yo Cohen is lying his ass off for a more lenient sentence, however I have my doubts that Trump is this vicious criminal that the political leftists and the fawning activist media are portraying Trump to be.

    Alot of hype to the grand posturing like the Maddow did when she lifted her rating by falsely claiming that she had Trumps tax returns....fizzled out like the dud she is.

    Now...if Trump did knowing break a law, he should face the consequences, however...Trump has been in business for generations and all of a sudden they want to find a crime...
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    1. ImDown6969
      The guy is a career criminal and grifter. Stop with the absolute absolute Bullshit. The man should’ve been in prison long before he ever had a chance to seek public office.
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
  19. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Interesting that the returns of many really rich people were released to show how they evade taxes, but we didn't hear that trumps tax returns were part of the haul.
    1. ImDown6969
      How is that relevant?
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I could be wrong. I often am. But so far at least I am still hanging with Trump's former executive Barbara Res. Out of all the cast of characters that swirl around the toilet bowl she has always seemed the most down to earth, common sense, no ax to grind, experienced, and intelligent. And a couple weeks ago when she was asked about it Res said Alan Weisselberg has already flipped. She admitted he's always been Trump's most loyal soldier. But he also so much smarter than Trump. That's why he actually controlled all the fiances. But because he's smarter than Trump and can add and subtract he would see the bottom line long before Trump does. And Trump would never suspect him of it.

    'If Weisselberg doesn't cooperate he's got to worry Trump may turn on him': Former White House lawyer

    Allen Weisselberg (Photo: Trump Org.)

    The New York Times revealed Tuesday that sources with knowledge of Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance's investigation into former President Donald Trump and his company the Trump Organization may indict the CFO Allen Weisselberg as soon as this summer.

    Speaking to MSNBC host Joy Reid, former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal and ex-federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner warned Weisselberg that this is going to come down like a ton of bricks.

    Kirschner explained that the evidence should concern Trump because it makes it more likely that Weisselberg could make a plea deal and hang Trump out to dry.

    "But there's also a long game to be played here," Kirschner continued. "I've had defendants who were not exactly like Weisselberg, but they were people that I desperately needed to bring on board to build my case against the bigger criminal fish, and they wouldn't plead guilty. Allen Weisselberg may not plead guilty. So, here's how we play the long game as prosecutors. We indict him. We try him. We convict him. And we sit down with him again after a jury has said, guilty, but before a judge has sentenced him. And we say, 'What are you going to do now, chief? You still have an opportunity. We can still reduce your sentence somewhat, but guess what? You're not going to get as good a deal as if you had come on board and cooperated upfront when you should have.' So, there are still a lot of moving pieces to the Allen Weisselberg part of this equation."

    Reid asked if it was possible for Trump to walk away from the case without consequences if he is able to successfully blame it all on Weisselberg. Katyal said he didn't think so.

    "We'll have to study this new reporting by the New York Times, but to me, it looks like the first domino for Donald Trump is starting to fall," said Katyal. "And this has been an inexorable path since the Supreme Court, 9-0, said Trump Tax returns have to be turned over, so these financial records that you're seeking about Trump are now in the hands of prosecutors. We know that those New York prosecutors have convened a grand jury. They're going to sit for six months, three days a week."

    He also explained that prosecutors sent a warning letter to the Trump Organization calling it a criminal investigation. All prosecutors must do is tell Weisselberg is what will happen if he doesn't cooperate.

    "I think prosecutors here know one other thing, which is that Allen Weisselberg knows where all the keys to the kingdom are," Katyal continued. "He knows everything. So, most normal companies have a compliance office that deals with all these questions. Not the Trump Organization. The Trump Organization's compliance office was basically, like, a giant sharpie drawing of the presidential seal or something like that. So, it's really all up to Weisselberg. And so, if they can flip Weisselberg, and I suspect they can because of that dynamic that Michael Cohen was just revealing, this kind of prisoner's dilemma where if Weisselberg doesn't cooperate, he's got to worry that Trump may turn on him. Each of them has to worry about that and that becomes a race to get information and that's why I think ultimately bad news for Trump."

    Watch the video below:

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